Чернобыль. История катастрофы (Хиггинботам) - страница 280


“The Chernobyl Tragedy: The Crime of the Soviet Government” [Чорнобильська трагедія – злочин радянської влади]. Ukrainian Liberation Movement electronic archive: Joint project of Ukrainian Center for Research on the Liberation Movement, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, and National Museum-Memorial of Victims of Occupation Regimes (Prison on Łącki). Online at http://avr.org.ua/index.php/ROZDILY_RES?idUpCat=867.

CIA Records Search Tool (CREST), the Central Intelligence Agency. Online at www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/collection/crest-25-year-program-archive.

Gorbachev Foundation Electronic Archive: Virtual Museum “M.S. Gorbachev. Life and Reforms” [Виртуальный музей “М.С. Горбачев. Жизнь и реформы”]. Online at www.gorby.ru/en/archival/archive_library.

Joint Publication Research Service (JPRS), Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Documents, foreign media monitoring reports produced by the US government’s National Technical Information Service (including CIA, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Congressional, GAO, and Foreign Press Monitoring Files), released March 2011.

Legasov, Valery. “On the Accident at Chernobyl AES” [Об аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС] aka “Legasov Tapes.” Transcript of five cassette tapes dictated by V. A. Legasov, online at http://lib.web-malina.com/getbook.php?bid=2755.

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum Electronic Archive: “Daily Diary” (www.reaganlibrary.gov/digital-library/daily-diary) and “Public Papers of the President” (www.reaganlibrary.gov/sspeeches).

Russian State Archive of Contemporary History (RGANI) [Российский государственный архив новейшей истории (РГАНИ)]. Hoover Institution. Microfilm, Fond 89: Communist Party of the Soviet Union on Trial, 1919–1992. Copies held at the Lamont Library: Archive of Contemporary History. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

The Second Russian Revolution (2RR) Collection. Material relating to the documentary film series The Second Russian Revolution (tapes and interview transcripts). Reference no. GB 97 2RR. LSE Library Archive, London.

Sorokin, Yuri. Personal archive.

State Film Archive of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.

Tarakanov, General Nikolai. Personal archive.

Toptunova, Vera. Personal archive.

Ukrainian National Chernobyl Museum [Национальный музей “Чернобыль”]. Archival documents and materials. Kiev, Ukraine.

Veterans of Rosatom website. www.veteranrosatom.ru.

Wilson Center Digital Archive. http://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org.

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