Чернобыль. История катастрофы (Хиггинботам) - страница 283

, 2003–2017, Kiev. July 10, 2015.

Kopchinsky, Georgi. Senior advisor on nuclear power, Communist Party Central Committee, Moscow. Kiev, November 28, 2016.

Korneyev, Yuri. Turbine operator, Fifth Shift, Unit Four, Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Kiev, September 8 2015.

Korol, Alexander. Trainee reactor control engineer, Unit Four, Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Kiev, September 9, 2015 (interview by author) and April 17, 2018 (interview by Taras Shumeyko).

Korolevska, Anna. In 2018, deputy director for science of the Chernobyl Museum. Kiev, July 10, 2015; February 8, 2016.

Kovtutsky, Viktor. Chief accountant at Chernobyl nuclear power plant construction department. Kiev, April 23, 2016.

Kozlova, Elena. Materials research technician, NIKIMT. Moscow, April 17, 2017.

Kozyrev, Yuri. Senior scientist at the Gaseous Electronics Department of the Institute of Physics in Kiev. Kiev, April 21, 2017.

Kryat, Anatoly. Chief of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory in the Department of Nuclear Safety, Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Kiev, February 15, 2016.

Kupny, Valentin. Director of Zaporizhia NPP; director of Chernobyl Shelter, 1995–2002. Slavutych, Ukraine, February 12, 2016.

Legasov, Inga. Daughter of Academician Valery Legasov. Moscow, April 18, 2017.

Leonenko, Vitali. Director of Medical-Sanitary Center Number 126, Pripyat. Vepryk, Ukraine, December 3, 2016.

Lisovenko, Vasily; Major, head of the Third Division of the Sixth Department, Ukrainian KGB. Vyshenski, Ukraine, September 10, 2015.

Logachev, Alexander. Senior lieutenant; chief radiation scout of the 427th Red Banner Mechanized Regiment of the Civil Defense Forces stationed in Kiev. Kiev, June 1, 2017 (conducted by the author) and June 3, 2017 (conducted by Taras Shumeyko).

Mabuchi, Dr. Kiyohiko. Head of Chernobyl Research Unit and senior scientist, National Cancer Institute, Division of Epidemiology and Genetics. Telephone, September 13, 2018.

Maleyev, Vladimir. In 1987, lieutenant colonel commanding 14th Radiation and Chemical Reconnaissance regiment of the Soviet Chemical Warfare Forces. Moscow, April 16, 2017.

Masol, Vitali. Head of the Ukrainian State Committee for Material and Technical Supply (GOSSNAB); prime minister of Ukraine, 1994–1995. Kiev, June 1, 2017.

McNeil, Oscar. Managing director of Chernobyl Shelter Implementation Plan, 2015 – present, Telephone, June 11, 2018.

Mimka, Lubomir. Colonel; deputy chief of staff of the Soviet Air Defense Forces’ Seventeenth Airborne Army, Kiev military district. Kiev, February 13, 2016.