Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 53

nance and repair modes at motor and car service enter-



The bus fleet №5 p azrabotan rational prevention

The system of technical service (TS) is adjusted to

mode brake authors of VAN LAZ-695 H [1 3], in

suit specific operating conditions.

the bus fleet №3 investigated operational reliability bus-

Essentially e t resource and operational correct-

es PAZ family in usl about ditions hot climate [1 4 ]

ing e .

The above nomenclature of critical reliability parts

The essence of resource adjustment lies in the fact

is of great interest both to the manufacturer when devel-

that the standards for technical maintenance of vehi-

oping measures to increase the reliability of its products,

cles (TMV) are changed relative to the reference using and to the AE, when improving the modes of mainte-correction factors for these conditions.

nance and repair of automobiles. Knowledge of this

When resource correction of the frequency of

nomenclature is also necessary when developing and

maintenance was based on the standards given in the

clarifying the norms for consuming spare parts, com-

"Regulations on maintenance and R of rolling stock"

pleting the working capital of assemblies and parts, or-

[ 6 ],

ganizing the restoration of parts, creating intermediate With operational adjustment, a joint analysis of

warehouses in motor transport enterprises, etc.

the TS-1, TS-2 operations and seasonal mainte-

In mountain conditions, maintenance modes were

nance actually performed at the automobile enterprises

investigated trukcs, «MAN TG A 26400, 19400," main-

(AE) is performed, taking into account the operation

tained in the conditions and s Angren logistics center manual of similar road trains , as well as their labor in-

"[7, 8 ], and the new foreign semi-trailers WIELTON

tensity, design features of road trains, timing data and NS-3 and MERKER M62 in Angren AE for the carriage

expert evaluation of specialists.

of petroleum products through Kamchik pass [ 9.10 ] .

By the operational correction for the MAZ - 642208

Over the years, bus fleets operated buses LAZ,

- 020, Ford-Cargo - 1827 truck tractors, the TS-1 fre-PAZ, LIAZ, as well as the "Ikarus" produc-

quency was determined to be 3,500 km, TS-2 -14,000

tion Hungarian uu in the hot climate of Uzbekistan .


Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan

According to the results of the controlled operating