Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 52

vines and foothills Ustyurt plateau, wide armholes pow-

The issues of technical maintenance, including their

erful rivers and rock outcroppings, desert dunes and

reliability, in the conditions of highlands and hot cli-oases, drowning in the greenery of cultivated plants.

mates are devoted to the research work of a number of Uzbekistan has a hot, sharply continental and very

authors of the Republic of Uzbekistan, near and far

arid climate. Together with other republics of Central abroad .

Asia, Uzbekistan occupies the most southern position,

With the organization in 1972 of the Tash-

therefore, the flux of radiant energy of the sun is very kent Automobile and Road Institute, the only one in

significant here.

the Central Asian region, research on the operation of

Studying the characteristics of the natural, climatic

automobiles began to develop more efficiently .

and road conditions of the highlands and hot cli-

mates shows that they are extremely difficult for cars


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.

and therefore require serious study and consideration

Details critical to reliability in terms of reliabil-

when deciding on the reliability of cars .

ity were:

The studies I , conducted in the highlands town of

a) Ford-Cargo 1827 trucks:

Angren have confirmed the degree of impact of the ac-

 sleeves - 14, 7%;

tual conditions on the operational reliability of vehi-

 set of rings - 14, 7%;

cles for the carriage of petroleum products between the

 gaskets for the head of the block - 14, 7%;

terminals of the Angren-Pap, length of 145 km, includ-

 gaskets for block head covers - 14, 7%;

ing 76 km of mountain road through the pass Kamchik

b) MAZ 642208-020 trucks

height above the level of the Baltic Sea in 2203 meters [

 sleeves - 1 1 , 3%;


 root insert - 1 0 , 5%;

The climatic conditions of Angren Pap are charac-

 connecting rod bearing - 1 0 , 5%;

terized by:

 gaskets for the covers of the block head -

m Temperature of air :

1 0 , 5%;

absolute minimum - 20.8 0 C ... -25.4 0 C;

exhaust manifold gaskets - 1 0 , 5%.

absolute maximum +33.1 0 С ... + 42.6 0 С;

The results of studies of operational reliability of

The reliability of road trains for specific operating cars in hot climates are included in the report of the conditions will largely depend on the accepted mainte-State Scientific-Technical Programs of Uzbekistan. [11,