Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 58

1. Alikhodjaev A.A. Management of standards for maintenance and repair of vehicles, taking into account operating conditions. Dis. Cand. those. sciences. - Tashkent: TADI, 2008 .-- 227 p.

2. Musadzhanov M.Z., Azimov A, Chukov O, Rokotyansky A

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2. Musadzhanov MZ, ways to improve the system Okhla railway Denia engines. Abstracts of All-Union Scientific-technical meeting rooms n tion "Increased efficiency and with the use of road transport in hot climates and high altitudes", Tashkent, 1985.

3. Musadzhanov M.Z., Alikhodjaev A.Umarov I.Razhabov E.Usmanov D.


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.

4. Final report x / d No. 134-75 Inventory No. B952191 of 05/21/1981

5. Sharafutdinov T . T . P Accelerating reliability of vehicles for the carriage of petroleum products through the pass

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6. Regulation on maintenance and repair of rolling stock of motor vehicles. - M .: Transport, 1986.- 73 p.

7. Musaev D.Kh. Musadzhanov, M.Z. Modes of technical serviceability cars , « the MAN the TG A 26400, 19400,"

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8. Muminjanov NM, Umarov E. et al. Selection and determination of the rational periodicity of replacing engine oils for MAN vehicles operating in hot climates and highlands. Scientific and Technical Report, x / d No. 178/2012.

9. Musadzhanov. M.Z. , Khojaev A.A. Determination of maintenance modes foreign s x semi XI Conference for Tiit Tashkent 2015 -3s.

10. Muminjanov N.M., Kamiljanov B.I. et al. A study on the selection of equivalent motor oil to replace Turkish-made oil for 1827 Ford Cargo cars operating in the mountainous conditions of the Kamchik Pass, on the Angren-Kamchik-Pap route. Scientific and Technical Report No. 76 dated April 11, 2003, 33 pages.

11. Musadzhanov. M.Z. ,, Muminjon NM Investigation of the dynamics of aggressive climatic conditions of the republic at the exchange, effective meth about poisons and remedies. The final report on the research of the State Scientific and Technical. Programs 4.1.13. 1999-.115 s

12. Musadzhanov. M.Z. , Usmonov D. , Rasulov, H., et al. Development of technical standards for operation of vehicles and the Republic have of bekistan. The final report on the research of the State Scientific and Technical. Programs 18.24. That w kent, 2005-120s.