Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 59

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16. Mercedes - Benz AG . Bus Maintenance Manual. Volume 1-5 / 95. Stuttgart 1995

17. Service book buses O 405, O405N, O 405 G. Mercedes-BenzAG. 1995 - 64s.

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19. Muminjanov N.M., Radjabov E.A. and others. Selection of the equivalent of engine oils for Mercedes-Benz and Otayul buses from local production instead of imported ones and establishing optimal terms for their replacement. Scientific and technical report of SSTP No. A-12 030, 2008

20. Makhkamov M. Yu., Mirgiyazov A.A. Engine reliability OM 447 N engine on Mercedes-Benz buses operating in the city of Tashkent. Bulletin of the TADI. Tashkent 2011.-№3-4.-С89-93.

21. Makhkamov M. Yu. Reliability map of Mercedes-Benz buses O 405 Vestnik TADI. Tashkent, 2012.-№3.-С47-5189-93. .

22. Makhkamov M.Yu. Management of reliability of buses “Mercedes-Benz operated in the city of Tashkent. –T: Publishing house TURON-IKBOL, -2017, -197s.


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.


Kuanysh Tleuliyev

master's student of NAO "Kazakh national Agrarian University",Kazakhstan, Almaty

Saltanat Mussayeva

candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department “Technology and food safety”

of NAO “Kazakh national Agrarian University”,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Zhanat Iskakova

candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor of the Department "Technology and food safety"

of NAO “Kazakh National Agrarian University”,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

The problem of removing heavy and radioactive

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved -

metals from the human body is relevant all over the the production of yoghurts:

world. This is due to the fact that the scope of

control sample; 1-sample with the addition of pectin