Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 61

hot water at a temperature of 70°C with constant stirring

absorb and remove from the body biogenic toxins,

for 30 minutes and was added to the recipe.






The formation of a specific sour-milk taste and ar-

biologically harmful substances that accumulate in the omatic substances are formed during the fermentation

body. It is recognized in most countries as a valuable and maturation of the product, and also depends on the

food ingredient that has no restrictions on use [2, p. 30].

composition of bacterial starter cultures and added in-The analysis of literary sources shows that among


the many problems currently facing humanity, one of

The results of the study of organoleptic properties

the first places is occupied by the problem of

of finished products are given in profilagram-1. At a environmental





concentration of pectin in the amount of 1%, as in the substances-products of technogenesis, among which a

control, there is a separation of phases and with an significant place is occupied by heavy metals [3, p. 55].

increase in temperature, the process goes faster. When In this regard, in this research work, we considered the

the concentration of pectin is 2% and 3%, milk

use of apple pectin in the production of yogurt, in order

fractionation does not occur, the mixture becomes

to structure and detoxify the properties of this raw viscous and homogeneous.


The duration and temperature of the fermentation

The research paper examines the influence of apple

process, as well as the acidity of the product are

pectin on the quality of yoghurts introduced during their

important factors that affect the consistency of yogurt.

production in order to form such specific features as The duration of fermentation of milk is usually set by structure, consistency, viscosity, appearance, and taste.

increasing the acidity, viscosity or strength of the


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.

resulting clot, which also depends on the added

the ability of proteins to form spatial structures, retain ingredients. This is confirmed by our studies, where

moisture, and so on.

there was a separation of phases into a liquid

In this regard, at the next stage, it was advisable to

consistency and a clot sludge (1-sample), which was not