Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 60

application of ionizing radiation sources in industry, in an amount of 1 % of the total weight; 2-sample with

agriculture, medicine, and scientific research is

the addition of pectin in an amount of 2% of the total expanding, and the number of people professionally

weight; 3-a sample with the addition of pectin in an associated with them is increasing. In this regard, it is amount of 3% of the total weight.

necessary to use modern means of radiation protection The practical significance of the research work and

of people and a set of sanitary and hygienic measures to

its result is based on the use of apple pectin in the pro-

ensure their safety. In the system of measures,

duction of yoghurts, the use of which can increase the preventive nutrition is important, which contributes to viscosity of the finished product, provide the required the elimination of heavy and radioactive metals from the

consistency and detoxification properties of the product,

body, due to the presence of components that have

thus giving a functional property to the product. Apple protective properties. Pectin acts as a radioprotector and

pectin was obtained in the laboratory, from local au-is recommended as an additive in food products to give

tumn apple varieties - "Almaty Aport", by the method of them detoxifying properties. Thus, pectin and pectin-TU 9199-012-01014470-04.

containing products can be attributed to therapeutic and

As a fruit storage device, pre-processed (0.25 - 0.3

preventive nutrition.

mm) pieces of apple varieties - "Almaty Aport" were Pectin not only forms a jelly consistency, but also


has radioprotective and detoxifying properties, and,

Apple pectin was introduced before fermentation,

therefore, belongs to multifunctional additives [1, p.

according to the recipe below, its use does not require 15].

significant changes in the technological process.

Pectin has acquired special significance recently,

The insolubility of pectin in systems with a high

when it was found that it has the ability to form

sugar content allows to prepare a dispersion of pectin insoluble complexes, remove toxic metals from the

without its clumping in a concentrated sugar solution, human body and long-lived (with a half-life of several for this purpose, the pectin was previously dissolved in

decades) isotopes of Sr, Ce. In addition, pectin is able to