Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 63

Research data show that using of pectin during

Thus, the influence of the amount of added pectin

yogurt producing allows you to eliminate such defects on the speed of the fermentation process is established.

as separation of serum and excessively liquid

consistency, as well as improve organoleptic indicators and give detoxification properties to the product.


1. Донченко Л.В., Фирсов Г.Г. Технология пектина и пектинопродуктов- Краснодар: КГАУ, 2006.-279с.

2. Пектин основной источник борьбы с вредными веществами / Е.П. Лисовицкая, С.В. Патиева, Л.Я. Родионо-

ва, Ю.Н. Шакота // Приоритетные направления развития пищевой индустрии: матер. науч.-прак. конф. –

Ставрополь, 2016. – С.385-388

3. Функциональные пищевые продукты. Введение в технологии / А.Ф. Доронин [и др.]. М.: ДеЛи принт, 2009.

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4. Методическое указание. Блинов, В.А. Биохимия с основами физической и коллоидной химии / В.А. Блинов, В.И. Латышев, Ю.В. Платонова, В.Р. Струговщиков.- Саратов: Гарнитура Таймс, 2005 – с. 127-128.


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.




Nigora Tursunova

An English teacher at a secondary school №28

Uzbekistan, Uchkurgan district, Namangan region

Oyista Khodjimatova

An English Teacher at a secondary school №30, Uzbekistan,Uchkurgan district, Namangan region


One of the most pressing problems in my work is the culture of communication. We all know that language and culture are interrelated. Communication is not only vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, but also cultural aspects of this language. There is much more common side between English and Uzbek culture, but we still see the opposite. Language represents the nature of the country - its people, its emotions and traditions. That is why a foreign language teacher should teach the same language to the community. The relationship between language and culture is a complex one and it is always quite challenging to fully understand people’s cognitive processes when they communicate. Language competence does not only include the knowledge of grammatical principles and sentence construction, but also knowledge of the norms that link language to social and cognitive context. Many teachers and students seem to lose sight of the fact that knowledge of grammatical systems has to be complemented with culture-specific meanings.