Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 64

The structure of a language can determine the way

ask, aiming at using different types of questions, both in which speakers of that language view the world. The

general and special, using the lexical-grammatical mate-

meanings of a particular language can also represent the

rial studied. In the end, you can ask to say why they are

culture of a particular social group. It is impossible to happy and give advice on what can be done to make the

understand a culture without having some form of un-

holiday memorable. Possible questions: When is your

derstanding of its language. The two are always con-

birthday? Who comes to say "Happy birthday"?

nected. When people learn another language, it helps

What can your

parents give?

What does your

them to learn about the world. Learning a language is mum cook?

Do you




therefore learning the behavior of a given society and its

Can you play games? What games can you play?

cultural customs. Language is a product of the thoughts

P1: I like my birthday because my friends and I go

and behavior of a society.

to the cafe. There is a funny clown. He plays with us.

The American linguist Nelison Mondela said: “If

We laugh a lot. A holiday is approaching, for example you talk to a man in a language he understands, that the New Year. The teacher begins the lesson: I like New

goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language that

Year. I am always happy. I get many presents and give

goes to his heart.” Phrases, words, syntactic forms and

them to my dearest. I always write a letter to father concepts are sometimes impossible to translate, as they

Frost (Santa Claus) and ask for something. But this time

sometimes do not even exist in some languages. Differ-

I don’t know what to ask about. Can you advise me?

ences in language between cultures are evident when

Students express their ideas and explain their request.

you compare how some countries have different mean-

For example: P1 - You can ask for a computer. You can

ings for certain phrases. For example, in many European

play games and send e-mails to your friends. You can cultures, the term "a good day" implies a sunny day, know many clever things from the computer.

whereas in many African cultures, it implies "a rainy The explanation of the proverbs also applies to this

day". Personally, I recommend using this type of exer-type of exercise. For example: one of the not very dili-