Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 71

formation, for example: as Carl Gustav notes; according

tem of methods and principles of text linguistics and put

to Charles Darwin, etc. Using these introductory ele-

into correlation with a wide range of problems of scien-

ments, the order of thoughts and their connection is ob-

tific communication, a methodology for analyzing text

jectified, a conclusion is introduced, the degree of sig-and discourse, a methodology for researching scientific

nificance of the messages, a generalization, for example,

discourse, and an interdisciplinary assessment of the

connectivity is manifested, firstly; secondly; conse-

quality of the scientific result have been implemented.

quently; and finally.

In the linguistic - epistemic concept of Chernyavskaya N.B. Gvishiani and some other researchers distin-V.E. pointed out that the result of cognition is included

guish a separate, independent general scientific lan-

in scientific discourse in only oral (scientific communi-

guage within the framework of the style of scientific cation) or written (monograph, research article, report communication, considering it to be a historical catego-abstracts, dissertation) text [7].

ry. The general scientific style is determined by: "1) the Language as a social phenomenon performs various

development of the scientific thought of a given coun-functions related to a particular area of human activity.

try; 2) the state of the national literary language; 3) the

In the science of language, the classification of func-artistic skill of the author; 3) the intellectual level of the tional styles of the Russian language has entrenched: reader." The general scientific language varies, changes conversational style, scientific style, official-business depending on the subject of which science - humanitari-style, journalistic style, literary and artistic style. It is an or natural - is being described. The language of gen-important to understand that the style of the Russian eral scientific communication with this approach is op-language scientifically determines the content of the life

posed to the terminological language inherent in each of the language at a very high level of generalization, individual field of knowledge [10].


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.

Thus, a scientific text acts as a reflection and ex-reflect the patterns of the cognitive process. The content