Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 70

ample: we will study; we will check; we will consider;

 emotionally expressive adjective (outstanding,

we will prove it. Texts functioning in scientific dis-etc.);

course are characterized by the use of reflexive verbs

 forms of superlative adjectives (the most dan-

(with suffix - “ся”), which mean either action as a hall-gerous place, etc.);

mark of an object, or its permanent property, for exam-

 adverbs, introductory words, reinforcing and re-

ple: to remain. The generalized character of the texts of

strictive particles, discursive markers (entirely, highly, the scientific style is also expressed in the originality of relatively, significantly, etc.);

the category of person. In scientific speech, usually the

 "problematic" questions that draw the reader's pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person are not used (I, you),

attention (What can be done in this case?)[6].

possessive possessions (mine, yours), forms 1 and 2 of The above features indicate that the English-the singular of the verb, indicating that the action is car-

language scientific discourse is characterized along with

ried out by the speaker or the interlocutor. Instead, we functional features that are common to all academic

use the pronoun 1 of the plural person we (the so-called

author's we), “our” possessive pronoun, verbs in the

texts, regardless of their language affiliation. At the same time, specific features that distinguish the tradi-form of the past tense of the plural or in the form of the

tions of the formation of scientific materials in English present (future simple) tense 1 or 2 of the plural[9].

from the requirements for formatting research results

Logical connections between parts of a scientific

adopted in other linguistic and cultural communities

text are expressed using introductory constructions

should be taken into account. The situation with Russian

(words, phrases and sentences) with the meaning of the

scientific discourse is slightly different.

reliability of the message: naturally, of course. Introduc-

Understanding of scientific discourse appeared in

tory words have other meanings, namely assumptions,

the late 1990s. at the scientific school of the Russian for example: probably obvious. In scientific discourse, linguist Chernyavskaya Valeria Evgenievna. The study

introductory constructions also point to a source of in-of scientific discourse has been introduced into the sys-