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and O. Kocak. Organizational Identities and the Hazard of Change // Industrial and Corporate Change. 15 (2006). P. 755–784.

Более подробную информацию о сигналах принадлежности и изменении поведения см.: G. Walton, G. Cohen, D. Cwir and S. Spencer. Mere Belonging: The Power of Social Connections. // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 102 (2012). P. 513–532; G. Walton and P. Carr. Social Belonging and the Motivation and Intellectual Achievement of Negatively Stereotyped Students // Stereotype Threat: Theory, Processes and Application. M. Inzlicht and T. Schmader (eds.). N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 2012; A. Brooks, H. Dai and M. Schweitzer. I’m Sorry About the Rain! Superluous Apologies Demonstrate Empathic Concern and Increase Trust // Social Psychological and Personality Science. 5 (2014). P. 467–474; G. Carter, K. Clover, I. Whyte, A. Dawson and C. D’Este. Postcards from the Edge Project: Randomised Controlled Trial of an Intervention Using Postcards to Reduce Repetition of Hospital Treated Deliberate Self Poisoning // BMJ (2005); P. Fischer, A. Sauer, C. Vogrincic and S. Weisweiler. The Ancestor Effect: Thinking about Our Genetic Origin Enhances Intellectual Performance // European Journal of Social Psychology. 41 (2010). P. 11–16.

О восприятии мозгом принадлежности и идентичности см.: J. Van Bavel, L. Hackel and Y. Xiao. The Group Mind: The Pervasive Influence of Social Identity on Cognition // Research and Perspectives in Neurosciences. 21 (2013). P. 41–56; D. Packer and J. Van Bavel. The Dynamic Nature of Identity: From the Brain to Behavior // The Psychology of Change: Life Contexts, Experiences and Identities. N. Branscombe and K. Reynolds (eds.). Hove, UK: Psychology Press, 2015; D. de Cremer and M. van Vugt. Social Identifcation Effects in Social Dilemmas // European Journal of Social Psychology. 29 (1999). P. 871–893.

3. Рождественское перемирие, одночасовой эксперимент и ракетчики

История рождественского перемирия описана в разных источниках; самые надежные версии см.: Tony Ashworth. Trench Warfare 1914–1918: The Live and Let-Live System. L.: Pan Books, 2000; Stanley Weintraub. Silent Night. N. Y.: Plume, 2002. Более широкий взгляд на альтруизм см.: Robert Axelrod. The Evolution of Cooperation. N. Y.: Basic Books, 1984; Michael Tomasello. Why We Cooperate. Cambr., MA: MIT Press, 2009.

Об эксперименте WIPRO см.: D. Cable, F. Gino and B. Staats. Breaking Them In or Revealing Their Best? Reframing Socialization Around Newcomer Self-Expression // Administrative Science Quarterly. 58 (2013). P. 1–36. Для более подробной информации о ракетчиках я бы рекомендовал обратиться к книге: