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and M. Heinrichs. The Social Dimension of Stress Reactivity: Acute Stress Increases Prosocial Behavior in Humans // Psychological Science. 23 (2012). P. 651–660. Более подробно см.: David DeSteno. The Truth About Trust. N. Y.: Hudson Street, 2014.

О задаче поиска красных воздушных шаров см.: J. Tang, M. Cebrian, N. Giacobe, H. Kim, T. Kim and D. Wickert. Reflecting on the DARPA Red Balloon Challenge // Communications of the ACM. 54 (2011). P. 78–85; G. Pickard, I. Rahwan, W. Pan, M. Cebrian, R. Crane, A. Madan and A. Pentland. Time-Critical Social Mobilization // Science. 334 (2011). P. 509–512.

9. Мастера сотрудничества

О создании спецназа ВМС см.: Elizabeth Kauffman. America’s First Frogman. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2004. Об Upright Citizens Brigade см.: Brian Raftery. High Status Characters. N. Y.: Megawatt Press, 2013; Matt Besser, Ian Roberts and Matt Walsh. The Upright Citizens Brigade Comedy Improvisational Manual. N. Y.: The Comedy Council of Nicea LLC, 2013; Kelly Leonard and Tom Yorton. Yes, And. N. Y.: HarperBusiness, 2015; Kim Howard Johnson. The Funniest One in the Room: The Lives and Legends of Del Close. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2008.

11. Как обеспечить сотрудничество с отдельными людьми

О Bell Labs см.: David Gertner. The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation. N. Y.: Penguin Press, 2012. Об IDEO см.: Tom Kelley. The Art of Innovation. N. Y.: Currency Doubleday, 2001; Tom Brown. Change by Design. N. Y.: HarperBusiness, 2009.

Исследования конкорданса см.: C. Marci, J. Ham, E. Moran and S. Orr. Physiologic Correlates of Perceived Therapist Empathy and Social-Emotional Process During Psychotherapy // Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 195 (2007). P. 103–111; C. Marci and S. Orr. The Effect of Emotional Distance on Psychophysiologic Concordance and Perceived Empathy Between Patient and Interviewer // Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 31 (2006). P. 115–128.

13. Триста одиннадцать слов

О системе навигации скворцов см.: M. Ballerini, N. Cabibbo, R. Candelier, A. Cavagna, E. Cisbani, I. Giardina, V. Lecomte, A. Orlandi, G. Parisi, A. Procaccini, M. Viale and V. Zdravkovic. Interaction Ruling Animal Collective Behavior Depends on Topological Rather than Metric Distance: Evidence from a Field Study // PNAS. 105 (2008). P. 1232–1237.

Результаты работы Габриэль Эттинген о мысленном контрастировании можно найти в ее книге Rethinking Positive Thinking. N. Y.: Current, 2014, а также в статье: G. Oettingen, D. Mayer, A. Sevincer, E. Stephens, H. Pak