Феодальная монархия во Франции и в Англии X–XIII веков (Пти-Дютайи) - страница 292

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DCXV. Stenton, F. M., The Danes in England, Hi, t. V. 1920–1921.

DCXVI. Stenton, F. M., Domesday Survey, V. H., Derbyshire, t. I, Westminster, 1905.

DCXVII. Stenton, F. M., William the Conqueror, Londres, 19081.

DCXVIII. Stephens, W. R. W., The English Church from the Norman Conquest to the accession of Edward I. Londres, 1901 (History of the English Church, edit, by Stephens and Hunt, t. II).

DCXIX. Stephenson, Carl, Les aides des villes françaises aux XII et XIII siècles, M.A., t. XXXIII, 1922.

DCXX. Stephenson, Carl, The aids of the English borougs, E.H.R.,  1919.

DCXXI. Stephenson, Carl, Taxation and representation in the Middle Ages, Mél. H.

DCXXII. Sternfeld, Richard, Karl von Anjou als Graf der Provence (1245–1265). Historische Untersuchungen hgg. von J. Jastrow, Heft X. Berlin, 1888.

DCXXIII. Sternfeld, R., Ludwigs des heiligen Kreuzzug nach Tunis, 1270, und die Politik Karls I, von Sizilien, H.S.E., Heft IV, 1896.

DCXXIV. Stevenson, F. S., Robert Grosseteste, Londres, 1899.

DCXXV. Stevenson, W. B., The Crusaders in the East, Cambridge, 1907.

DCXXVI. Strayer, J. R., Knight Service in Normandy in the thirteenth century. Mél. H.

DCXXVII. Stubbs, William, Histoire constitutionnelle de l’Angleterre, édit, française par Ch. Petit-Dutaillis et G. Lefebvre, Paris, 1907–1927, 3 vol.

DCXXVIII. Tait, J., The firma Burgi and the Commune in England, 1066–1191, E.H.R., 1927.

DCXXIX. Tait, J., Medieval Manchester and the beginnings of Lancashire, Manchester, 1904.

DCXXX. Tait, J., Studies in Magna Carta, Waynagium and Contenementum, E.H.R., 1912.

DCXXXI. Tanon, L., Histoire des tribunaux de l’Inquisition en France, Paris, 1893.

DCXXXII. Tardif, Ad., Date et caractère de l’ordonnance de saint Louis sur le duel judiciaire N.R.H.D., XI, 1887.

DCXXXIII. Tardif, Ad., La procédure civile et criminelle aux XIII et XIV siècles, Paris, 1885.

DCXXXIV. Tardif. J., Le procès d’Enguerran de Coucy, B.E.C., 1918.

DCXXXV. Thayer, J., B., À preliminary Treatise on evidence at the Common Law. Part I, Development of trial by jury, Boston, 1896.

DCXXXVI. Thompson (F aith), The first century of Magna Carta, Minneapolis, 1925.

DCXXXVII. Thompson, J. W., The development of the French Monarchy under Louis VI, Chicago, 1895.

DCXXXVIII. Tixier, O., Essai sur les baillis et sénéchaux royaux, Orléans,  1898.

DCXXXIX. Toeche, Theodor, Kaiser Heinrich VI., Leipzig, 1867 (J.D.G.)

DCXL. Tout, T. F., Chapters in the administrative History of Medieval. England, vol. I, Manchéster, 1920.