Возбуждённые: таинственная история эндокринологии. Властные гормоны, которые контролируют всю нашу жизнь (и даже больше) (Эпштейн) - страница 185

, no. 2 (Spring, 2000): 1–2, 5–9. Более подробную информацию о Джоне Бринкли можно найти в R. Lee Alton, The Bizarre Careers of John R. Brinkley (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2002) и Pope Brock, Charlatan: America’s Most Dangerous Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him, and the Age of Flimfl am (New York: Broadway Books, 2009). Подробнее о Шарле-Эдуаре БроунСекаре читайте в Aminoff, Brown-Séquard.

1. Michael A. Kozminski and David A. Bloom, “A Brief History of Rejuvenation Operations,” Journal of Urology 187, no. 3 (2012): 1130–1134.

2. “Paris Scientist: Tells of Gland Experiments,” Los Angeles Times, June 5, 1923; “New Ponce De Leon Coming,” Baltimore Sun, September 16, 1923; “Gland Treatment Spreads in America,” New York Times, April 8, 1923; “Display Ad 205—No Title,” Los Angeles Times, June 5, 1923.

3. Hans Lisser to Dr. Cushing, July 19, 1921, in Yale University Medical School archives, HC Reprints X, no. 156.

4. См. https://www.nobelprize.org/nomination/archive/show_people.php?id=8765.

5. Kozminski and Bloom, “A Brief History of Rejuvenation Operations.” Обоснование процедуры Штейнаха также дается в E. Steinach, “Biological Methods Against the Process of Old Age,” Medical Journal and Record 125, no. 2345 (1927): 78–81, 161–164.

6. Steinach and Loebel, Sex and Life, 49.

7. Там же, 70.

8. “Elixir of Life: The Brown-Séquard Discovery,” Te Aroha and Ohinemu News and Upper Thames Advocate, September 15, 1889.

9. Chandak Sengoopta, “Glandular Politics: Experimental Biology, Clinical Medicine, and Homosexual Emancipationin Fin-de-Siecle Central Europe,” Isis 89 (1998): 445–473; Chandak Sengoopta, “‘Dr Steinach coming to make old young!’: Sex Glands, Vasectomy and the Quest for Rejuvenation in the Roaring Twenties,” Endeavour 27, no. 3 (2003): 122–126.

10. Steinach and Loebel, Sex and Life, 216.

11. Drowne and Huber, The 1920s; Michael Pettit, “Becoming Glandular: Endocrinology, Mass Culture, and Experimental Lives in the Interwar Age,” American Historical Review 118, no. 4 (2013): 1052–1076.

12. Pettit, “Becoming Glandular.”

13. Laura Davidow Hirschbein, “The Glandular Solution: Sex, Masculinity, and Aging in the 1920s,” Journal of the History of Sexuality 9, no. 3 (2000): 277–304.

14. Sengoopta, The Most Secret Quintessence of Life, 57.

15. Steinach and Loebel, Sex and Life, 37.

16. Там же, 16.

17. Там же, 39.

18. Per Sodersten et al., “Eugen Steinach: The First Neuroendocrinologist,” Endocrinology 155, no. 3 (2014).

19. Steinach and Loebel, Sex and Life, 30.

20. Там же, 48.