Возбуждённые: таинственная история эндокринологии. Властные гормоны, которые контролируют всю нашу жизнь (и даже больше) (Эпштейн) - страница 197

; Гершеля Раффа, кандидата наук, профессора медицины, хирургии и физиологии и директора по эндокринным исследованиям Висконсинского медицинского колледжа; Элизабет Уилсон, профессора педиатрии, биохимии и биофизики Университета Северной Каролины; и доктора Джеймса Дюпре, доцента урологии из Мичиганского университета. Исторические данные позаимствованы из книги Arlene Weintraub, Selling the Fountain of Youth: How the Anti-Aging Industry Made a Disease Out of Getting Old – And Made Billions (New York: Basic Books: 2010).

1. Frank A. Beach, “Locks and Beagles,” American Psychologist 24 (1969): 971–989; Benjamin D. Sachs, “In Memoriam: Frank Ambrose Beach,” Psychobiology 16, no. 4 (1988): 312–314.

2. Paul de Kruif, The Male Hormone (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1945), 107.

3. W. O. Thompson, “Uses and Abuses of the Male Sex Hormone,” Journal of the American Medical Association 132, no. 4 (1946): 185–187; Blakeslee, “Stimulant Found in Pituitary Powder.”

4. Beach, “Locks and Beagles.”

5. Andrea Busnelli et al., “‘Forever Young’—Testosterone Replacement Therapy: A Blockbuster Drug Despite Flabby Evidence and Broken Promises,” Human Reproduction 32, no. 4 (2017): 719–724.

6. Alvaro Morales, “The Long and Tortuous History of the Discovery of Testosterone and Its Clinical Application,” Journal of Sexual Medicine 10, no. 4 (2013): 1178–1183.

7. T. F. Gallagher and Fred C. Koch, “The Testicular Hormone,” Journal of Biological Chemistry 84, no. 2 (1929): 495–500.

8. Claudia Dreifus, “A Conversation with – Anne Fausto-Sterling; Exploring What Makes Us Male or Female,” New York Times, January 2, 2001; Anne Fausto-Sterling, Sexing the Body (New York: Basic Books, 2000).

9. “Science Finds Way to Produce Male Hormone Synthetically,” New York Herald Tribune, September 16, 1935; “Chemist Produces Potent Hormone,” New York Times, September 16, 1935; “Testosterone,” Time, September 23, 1935.

10. “Testosterone,” Time.

11. Sarita Metzger and Arthur L. Burnett, “Impact of Recent FDA Ruling on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT),” Translational Andrology and Urology 5, no. 6 (2016): 921–926. Пример выпуска новостей: Julie Revelant, “10 Warning Signs of Low Testosterone Men Should Never Ignore,” Fox News Health, July 18, 2016, http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/07/18/10-warning-signs-low-testosterone-men-should-never-ignore.html.

12. August Werner, “The Male Climacteric,” Journal of the American Medical Association 112, no. 15 (1939): 1441.

13. Доктор Джон Морли, интервью автора.

14. Stephen R. Braun, “Promoting ‘Low T’: A Medical Writer’s Perspective,”