Мотив Второго пришествия в современной русской фэнтези (Хоруженко) - страница 11

14. Татаринов А. В. Власть апокрифа: библейский сюжет и кризисноебогословие художественного текста. — Краснодар: Мир Кубани.2008. — 712 с. [Электронный ресурс]. — URL: zar-literature.ucoz.ru/texts/tarinov_a.v-vlast_apokrifa.doc (17.05.17).

15. Чепур Е. А. Герой русской фэнтези 1990-х гг.: модусы художественнойреализации: автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. — Магнитогорск, 2010. — 23 с.

16. Чепур Е. А. Типы характеров русской фэнтези 1990-х гг. как воплощение доминирующих направлений духовного поиска // Проблемыистории, филологии, культуры. — М.; Магнитогорск; Новосибирск, 2010. — Вып. 3 (29). — С. 187–194 [Электронный ресурс]. — URL: http://pi.magtu.ru/doc/pi-03-2010.pdf (17.05.17)

Tatyana I. Khoruzhenko


Ural Federal University named aer the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin(Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)


The motif of the Second Coming of Christ takes a special place in Russian fantastic fiction at the turn of the millennium. In the recent decades allusions to the Gospel topic appears in increasing frequency in the genre of fantasy. The aim of the given article was to analyze the peculiarities of the depiction of the subject of Advent in Russian fantastic fiction. As the basis for the research the novels of Y. Voznesenskaya, N. Perumov, V. Khlumov, S. Lukyanenko and T. Ustimenko are of particular interest. The Advent motif appears in the story line of each of the novels in question. Though, the attitude of the authors to the image of the Savior and his second coming to the world fluctuates: from a respectful expectation (Y. Voznesenskaya, T. Ustimenko, S. Lukyanenko) to the depiction of the Savior as a monster (N. Perumov). The possibility of an ambivalent interpretation of the Savior is the eloquent evidence of desacralization of this image. The profaning of the sacred is one of the tendencies of the modern popular culture. The genre of fantastic fiction, as a product of mass culture, has caught this trend quite precisely.


Second Coming of Christ (Advent motif), russian fantastic fiction, fantastika, mass literature, Gospel, biblical allusions


1. Biryuzova N. A. Motiv Vtorogo Prishestviya Khrista v russkoy literature XIX–XX vekov: na materiale proizvedeniy F. M. Dostoevskogo, M. A. Bulgakova, A. i B. Strugatskikh, B. Akunina. Avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk [The Motif of the Second Coming of Christ in Russian Literature of the 19th and 20th Centuries: Based on the Literary Works of F. M. Dostoevsky, M. A. Bulgakov, A. and B. Strugatsky, B. Akunin. PhD. philol. sci. diss. abstract]. Moscow, 2010. 18 p. (In Russ.)