Свод знаний по управлению бизнес-процессами: BPM CBOK 4.0 (Авторов) - страница 236

12.5. Приложение Е. Библиография

Глава 2

1. Champlin, Brett. 2006. «BPM Professionals: Roles and Responsibilities for an Emerging Discipline». BPM Strategies Magazine, October. BPMInstitute.org.

2. De Bruin, Tonia and Michael Rosemann. 2005. «Application of a Holistic Model for Determining BPM Maturity». Business Process Trends. February.

3. Delphi Group. 2003. «BPM 2003: Market Milestone Report». Delphi Group White Paper. Boston, MA: Delphi Group.

4. Dwyer, Tom. 2004. «BPMInstitute's State of Business Process Management». Executive White Paper, April. BPMInstitute.org.

5. Fisher, David M. 2004. «Optimize Now Or Else!: How to Leverage Processes and Information to Achieve Enterprise Optimization». BearingPoint Presentation. Miami, FL: Process World. April 25–28, 2004.

6. Harmon, Paul. 2004. «Evaluating An Organization's Business Process Maturity». Business Process Trends Newsletter 2 3: 1–11. docplayer.net/20030853-Evaluating-an-organization-s-business-process-maturity.html.

7. Parker, Burton G. 1995. «Data Management Maturity Model». McLean, VA: MITRE Software Engineering Center. July.

8. Porter, Michael. 1985. «Competitive Advantage». New York: Free Press. Русский перевод: Портер М. Конкурентное преимущество: Как достичь высокого результата и обеспечить его устойчивость. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2020.

9. Rummler-Brache Group. 2004. «Business Process Management in U. S. Firms Today». Rummler-Brache Group. March.

10. Scheer, August-Wilhelm, Ferri Abolhassan, Wolfram Jost, and Mathias Kirchmer. 2004. «Business Process Automation: ARIS in Practice». Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

11. Sinur, Jim. 2004. «Leveraging the Three Phases of Process Evolution». Gartner Research Presentation. Miami, FL: Process World. April 25–28, 2004.

12. Towers, Steve and BPMG. 2005. «In Search of BPM Excellence: Straight From the Thought Leaders». Tampa, FL: Meghan-Kiffer Press.

13. Zur Muehlen, Michael. 2004. «Workflow-Based Process Controlling: Foundation, Design, and Application Of Workflow-Driven Process Information Systems». Berlin: Logos.

Главы 3, 4

1. Bagni, Raul, Berchi, Roberto, and Cariello, Pasquale. 2002. «A Comparison of Simulation Models Applied to Epidemics». Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 53 jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/5/3/5.html.

2. Brocke, Jan vom, and Michael Rosemann. 2010. «Handbook on Business Process Management: Strategic Alignment, Governance, People and Culture». Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

3. Burlton, Roger. 2013. «Delivering Business Strategy Through Process Management». in Brocke, Jan V., and Michael Rosemann. 2014. «Handbook On Business Process Management 2: Strategic Alignment, Governance, People and Culture». Berlin: Springer.