Свод знаний по управлению бизнес-процессами: BPM CBOK 4.0 (Авторов) - страница 241


10. Cokins, Gary. 2001. «Activity-Based Cost Management: An Executive's Guide». New York: John Wiley & Sons.

11. Florac, William A., and Anita D. Carleton. 2011. «Measuring the Software Process: Statistical Process Control for Software Process Improvement». Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.

12. Ginzburg, Michael J. 1979. «A Study of the Implementation Process». In Doktor, R., R. L. Schultz, and D. P. Slevin. 1979. The Implementation of Management Science. 13: 85–102. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

13. Hammer, Michael, and Lisa W. Hershman. 2010. «Faster, Cheaper, Better: The 9 Levers for Transforming How Works Get Done». New York: Crown Business. Русский перевод: Хаммер М., Хершман Л. Быстрее, лучше, дешевле: Девять методов реинжиниринга бизнес-процессов. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2017.

14. Harvard Business Review. 2005. «The Essentials of Managing Change and Transition: Business Literacy for HR Professionals». Harvard Business School. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press and Society for Human Resource Management.

15. Kan, Stephen H. 2008. «Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering». Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.

16. Kaplan, Robert S., and David P. Norton. 1996. «The Balanced Scorecard». Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Русский перевод: Каплан Р., Нортон Д. Сбалансированная система показателей: От стратегии к действию. – М.: Олимп-Бизнес, 2017.

17. Kolb, David A., and Alan L. Frohman. 1970. «An Organizational Development Approach to Consulting». Sloan Management Review. 12: 51–65.

18. Kotter, John P. 1996. «Leading Change». Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Русский перевод: Коттер Дж. Впереди перемен. – М.: Олимп-Бизнес, 2016.

19. Morris, Betsy. 2006. «New rule: Look Out, Not In. Old Rule: Be Lean and Mean». CNN Money. money.cnn.com/2006/07/10/magazines/fortune/rule4.fortune/index.htm.

20. Project Management Institute. 2004. «A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge». Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

21. Prosci Staff. n. d. «Prosci Change Management Methodology». Pro-Sci Change Management Learning Center. www.change-management.com/change-management-overview.htm.

22. Pyzdek, Thomas, and Paul A. Keller. 2010. «The Six Sigma Handbook: A Complete Guide for Green Belts, Black Belts, and Managers at All Levels». New York: McGraw-Hill.

23. Sayer, Natalie J., and Bruce Williams. 2012. «Lean for Dummies». Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.

24. Schein, Edgar H. 1987. «Process Consultation Volume II». Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

25. U.K.OGC 2004, «IT Infrastructure Library, 2nd ed»., U. K. Office of Government Commerce.