Остаться трезвым – Руководство по профилактике срыва (Горски) - страница 109

76. Black, Claudia. It will never Happen to Me. Denver, Colorado, MAC Printing and Publishing Division, 1962.

77. Carnes, Patrick, The Sexual Addiction. Minneapolis, Minnesota, Comp Care Publication, 1983, pp. 91-140.

78. Drews, Toby Rice Getting Them Sober: A Guide for Those Who Live with an Alcoholic. Plainfield, New Jersey, Have Books, Logos International.

79. Dulfano, Celia, Family Therapy of Alcoholism. InPractical Approaches to Alcoholism Psycho­therapy. S, Zimbers, J. Wallace and S. Blume. New York, Plenum Press, 1978, pp. 119-136.

80. Dulfano, Celia, Families, Alcoholism, and Recovery: Ten Stories. Hazelden Foundation, 1982.

81. Gorski, T., Miller. M., Focus on Family, "Relapse: The family's involvement," Parts I, II, III. Holly­wood, Fl., The U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Inc. Sept./Oct., Nov./Dec., 1909, Jan./Feb., 1984.

82. Gorski, Terence T., Intimacy and Recovery — A Workshop Manual. Hazel Crest, Illinois, the CENAPS Corporation, 1984.

83. Gravitz, Herbert L. and Bowden, Julie D., Guide to Recovery: A Book for Adult Children of Alcoholics. Holmes Beach, Florida, Learning Publications, Inc., 1985.

84. Greenleaf, Jael, "Co-Alcoholic Para-Alcoholic: Who's Who and What's the Difference?" Presented at the National Council on Alcoholism, 1981 National Alcoholism Forum, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12, 1981.

85. Howard. Donald P, and Howard, Nancy T., Treatment of the Significant Other. In Practical ApproachestoAlcoholism Psychotherapy, S. Zimbers, J, Wallace and S. Bluma, New York, Plenum Press, 1978, pp. 137-I62.

86. Kaufman, Edward and Kaufman, Pauline, Family Therapy of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. New-Yofk, 1979.

87. Miller, Merlene and Gorski, Terence T., Family Recovery: Growing Beyond Addiction. .Inde­pendence, Missouri, Herald House Independence Press, 1982.

88. Norwood, Robin, Women Who Love Too Much. Los Angeles, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1985.

89. Peele, Stanton, Love and Addiction. New York, Signet, May 1976.

90. Smith, Jan L., Gorski, Terence T., Miller, Merlene, "Family Involvement in Relapse

Prevention." - Course Handout, 1985.

91. Wegsheider, Sharon, Another Chance - Hope and Health for the Alcoholic Family. Palo Alto California, Science and Behavior Books, Inc., 1983.

92. Woititz, Janet Geringer, Adult Children of Alcoholics. Pompano Beach, California, Health Commu­nications, Inc., 1996.

93. Woititz Janet Geringer, Struggle for intimacy. Pompano Beach, California, Health Communications, Inc., 1985.