Записки из комода (Парижева) - страница 5

Равнодушный человек эгоцентричен: он не видит никого и ничего, кроме себя и своих желаний; он не готов идти на компромиссы, сожалеть и помогать другим, а значит и не способен быть добрым. Люди, совершающие бесчеловечные поступки назло кому-либо, осознают свои действия, у них чёткая позиция и отношение к человеку, которого они невзлюбили. В то же время, равнодушные люди живут для себя, они довольны этим и не замечают, какую боль причиняют окружающим и, особенно, близким. Такие люди поистине жестоки, а равнодушие – единственное средство достижения их неосознанных целей.

2018 г.

Great lady

I learned about the French actress Isabelle Huppert, when I watched the 1978 film “Violette Nozier”, dedicated to the criminal, whose case caused a wide public response. I really liked this film: plot, atmosphere, clothes and, most importantly, main character. Later, I began to be interested in more and more films, in which Isabelle starred.

Isabelle Huppert is considered an actress of contradictions. She often plays mysterious, secluded and fatal women. Isabelle lives as closed and reserved as most of her heroes. She doesn`t like to give interviews, is silent about her personal life and doesn`t talk about plans. She also doesn`t like hustle and bustle of the public.

In addition, Isabelle Huppert doesn`t obsess over her appearance. She is a beautiful woman with red hair and aristocratic face, stylish. Her clever thoughts are of great interest. Isabelle works a lot, not getting tired, not being afraid to improvise and take risks. For this, I admire her.

Heroes Isabelle and Isabelle herself influenced on me. I discovered a new world for myself, and was delighted with this experience.


Is it a good idea for a child to look after a pet from a young age?

Is it a good idea for a child to look after a pet from a young age? I think that, if a child is at least twelve years old, he can take care of the pet himself: this will teach him independence, responsibility and care. However, it depends on his character traits.

Therefore, if a child is spoiled, ill-mannered and restless, then it is better for him to stay away from pets, as he can harm them.

On the other hand, grooming a pet will help to discipline such a child; will be able to redirect some of his inner qualities to the better. Thus, it will also help in raising a child.

In addition, purchase of a pet can prevent the onset of allergies. Therefore, grooming a pet can correct moral qualities, but also help health.