Polemics of The Poor (Skinny) - страница 2

It`s simplier to dream and build castles made of sweet and native old injuries, isn`t it?


Mind – the ability to use resources, but not a possession of them.


Needless to say that forbidden fruit achievs through titanic labor on your personality and fear of unknown. But the pleasures always pays off all the anxieties, no matter if disired good or bad.




Disputes between lowland population, representatives of the proletariat, always end on endless statement of exhausted with no sense skinny truth. It’s hard not to notice with what involvement and interest held debates. As if something would change radically from it; as if the subject of dispute will become new unquestionable postulate, which could influence on people’s minds. Naive and preposterous innocence; how ridiculous it is.


Try to find the differences between oppressed and literally spiritualless world of consumer and sweet, hard and lying coating by which people cover frightening and obvious truth. Ridiculous spectacle…


And high-ranking personalities, representatives of left and right movements, great generals and revolutionaries, are right only indirectly.

Mediocre revolutions were always producing affordable mediocre education. Provincial towns of countries of Europe have a tendency to extradition abbreviated material passing it off as a full. Fluent theory, passed for the sake of the fact and perceived by people like a 'doctrine'. And leading towns have similar tendency, but in more attractive wrapper. This mediocrity embraces not only low, but also 'high' minds. "Convert all to minimum and useless" – here is the slogan of 'undeniable' people…