Polemics of The Poor - Ashley Skinny

Polemics of The Poor

Polemics of The Poor – debates between base and 'high-cultured' people. Opium for reflection minds.

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'Religion is the sight of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.'

– Karl Marx




The most well-known drug for silly, mediocre, grey mass is religion.

People find sedation in Jesus; understanding in Islam. It shows that worldview and сompensatory functions of religion are working (and at an unusually, extraordinary good level). But does it supposed to do it the way of lie, consolidation and phantasmagoria?

People beleive in gods to close the big empty abyss of their (how it says Bible) "sins". According to the history, we have the arguing facts versus religion. About ancient era, that started to deify some animals, things and dolls. But necessary to cover the mistakes (which are very helpful to evolve) are more needed than truth, unfortunately.

And actualy people created all these lists of problems that they`re trying to solve, surprisingly. New knowledge always were consumed for a tick in their notebooks. Most of them didn`t really studied for a result. Someone tries to do it the 'right way', but another barrier is directly the education. Especially in a couple of countries, like Russia, USA etc. And education lie on people`s shoulders too. We are making mousetraps, but don't catch mice – we cath ourselves.


Great thinkers state their philosophy on a paper in the name of culture and satisfaction of the need for a feel of stated; their deeds regarding this is not longer matter: it`s a priori deliberated. Logical…


Great thoughts are can be approved by small material details from the past.




New metaphysics. New comprehension.


We are slaves of our belongings. Children of mass consumption world. We are in possession of our true essence that we thoroughly and accurately hide, if you like.

The most frightening thing about it that we like it. We love consuming a lot with no attention on what we take. People love being cursed and in condition of intoxication (of mass culture product or drugs etc). They don`t need sense on things that they do or 'guiding star'. But that`s not true. Human is creature that need, no, must to be loved. They do all the things to feed their ego and satisfy the feeling of being necessary, adored. That`s their influential threshold. Gates of humanity`s true essence and obvilion.


You don`t eat when you`re ate. Human eats only when he is starveling. So, why do you resort to opium (opium in face of carnal pleasures, conferring secret 'sins', lie and looking for simple way spitting on quality) when you don`t need to satisfy a need of produce the material or spiritual product (an art, scientific work or philosophical postulate)?