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136. Clarke, Central Bank Cooperation, p. 124.

137. George B. Robinson, Monetary Mischief (New York: Columbia

University Press, 1935), p. 30.

138. Hardy, Enough Gold'?, p. 155.

139. Adams Brown, Gold Standard, p. 487.

140. Clarke, Central Bank Cooperation, pp. 130, 134.

141. Moreau, Souvenirs dun Gouverneur, p. 383.

142. Diane Kunz, The Battle for Britain's Gold Standard in 1931 (London:

Croom Helm, 1987), p. 18.

143. Bank of England, Gl/453, Norman to Schacht.. 11 December 1928.

144. Clarke, Central Bank Cooperation, p. 157.

145. Robinson, Monetary Mischief, p. 43.

146. J. R. Levien, Anatomy of a Crash - 1929 (New York: Traders Press,

1966), p. 45.

147. Alexander Dana Noyes, The Market Place. Reminiscences of a Financial

Editor (Boston: Little, Brown 8c Company, 1938), pp. 329, 330.

148. Francis W. Hirst, Wall Street and Lombard Street. The Stock Exchange Slump

of 1929 and the Trade Depression of 1930 (New York: Macmillan Company, 1931), pp. 6, 9.

149. Robinson, Monetary Mischief, p. 37.

150. Frank Simonds, Can Europe Keep the Peace? (New York: Blue Ribbon

Books, Inc., 1934), p. 307.

151. Lago Gil Aguado, 'The Creditanstalt Crisis of 1931 and the Failure of

the Austro-German Customs Union Project', HistoricalJournal, Vol. 44, No. 1 (2001), p. 201.

152. Lionel Robbins, The Great Depression (New York: Macmillan Company,

1934), p. 28, and Rueff, De Faube au crepuscule, p. 301.

153. R.J. Truptil, British Banks and the London Money Market (London:

Jonathan Cape, 1936), p. 289.

154. Walter A. Morton, British Finance, 1930-1940 (New York: Arno Press,

1978), pp. 32-4.

155. Clay, Lord Norman, p. 396.

156. Boyle, Nomian, p. 263.

157. Clarke, Central Bank Cooperation, p. 203.

158. Kunz, The Battle, p. 84.

159. McFadden, Collected Speeches, p. 229.

160. Kunz, The Battle, p. 91.

161. Ibid., pp. 122, 130.

162. Paul Einzig, The liagedy of the Pound (London: Kegan, Paul, Trench,

Trubner 8c Co., Ltd., 1932), pp. 90-1.

163. Adams Brown, Gold Standard, p. 1015.

164. Clarke, Central Bank Cooperation, p. 214.

165. Ibid.

166. Palyi, Tunlight of Gold, p. 155.

167. D. E. Moggridge, British Monetary Policy, 1924-1931. The Norman con­quest of $4.86 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972),

168. Morton, British Finance, p. 45; emphasis added.

169. Williams, Pattern, p. 210.

170. Morton, British Finance, p. 46.

171. Boyle, Norman, p. 275.

172. Palyi, Twilight of Gold, p. 272.

173. Kindleberger, The World in Depression, 1929-1939 (New York: Penguin

Books, 1987), p. 157.

174. Robert Wolff, Economie etfinances de la France', passe et avenir(New York: