Гитлер, Inc. (Препарата) - страница 292

(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994), p. 117.

114. Fran^ois-Poncet, Fateful Years, pp. 152-3.

115. Цитата приведена в книге Клемента Лейбовича (Clement Leibo-

witz) и Алвина Финкеля (Alvin Finkel): In Our Time. The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998), p. 23.

116. Ivan Maisky, Who Helped Hitler? (London: Hutchinson, 1964 [1962]),

p. 55.

117. David Irving, ChurchilVs War: Vol. I, The Struggle for Power (Bullsbrook,

Australia: Veritas Publishing Company, 1987), pp. 39-40.

118. Charles Higham, The Duchess of Windsor. The Secret Life (New York:

McGraw&Hill, 1988), p. 109.

119. Peter Alien, The Windsor Secret. New Revelations of the Nazi connections

New York: Stein 8c Day Publishers, 1984), p. 34.

120. Paul Schmidt, Da Versaglia a Norimberga (Roma: L'arnia, 1951),

pp. 271-80.

121. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 3, p. 263.

122. Schmidt, Da Versaglia, p. 291.

123. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 3, p. 267.

124. Hanfstaengl, Missing Years, p. 228.

125. Higham, Duchess of Windsor, p. 117.

126. Schmidt, Da Versaglia, p. 293.

127. Higham, Duchess of Windsor, p. 130.

128. Alien, Windsor Secret, p. 68.

129. Maisky, Who Helped Hitler?, p. 57.

130. Hitler, Secret Conversations, pp. 556-7.

131. Hajo Holborn, A History of Modern Germany (Princeton: Princeton

University Press, 1969), p. 769.

132. Alien, Windsor Secret, p. 69.

133. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 3, pp. 286-95.

134. Irving, ChurchilVs War, pp. 54-5.

135. Alfred Smith, Rudolf Hess and Germany's Reluctant War, 1939-1941

(Sussex: Book Guild Ltd., 2001), p. 61.

136. George Lentin, Lloyd George and the Lost Peace. From Versailles to Hitler,

1919-1940 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001), p. 103.

137. Ibid., p. 99.

138. Lord Beaverbrook, The Abdication of King Edward VIII (New York:

Atheneum, 1966), p. 63.

139. Higham, Duchess of Windsor, p. 188.

140. Alien, Windsor Secret, p. 97.

141. Greg King, The Duchess of Windsor. The Uncommon Life ofWallis Simpson

(New York: Citadel Press, 1999), p. 280.

142. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 583.

143. Ibid., p. 777.

144. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 5, p. 307.

145. Ibid., Vol. 5, pp. 340-5.

146. Quigley, Anglo-American Establishment, pp. 286-8.

147. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 631.

148. Ibid., p. 627.

149. Ibid., p. 633.

150. Leibovitz and Finkel, In Our Time, p. 144.

151. Ibid., p. 182.

152. Alien, Windsor Secret, p. 253.

153. Quigley, Tragedy, pp. 642-3.

154. Ibid., p. 646.

155. Ibid., p. 648.

156. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 6, p. 179.

157. David Irving, The War Path: Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 (London: