Metamyelocyte is a cell whose indented nucleus exhibits lobe formation that is characteristic of the neutrophil, eos—inophil, or basophil. The cytoplasm contains azurophilic granules and increasing numbers of specific granules. This cell does not divide. Granulocytes are the definitive cells that enter the blood. Neutrophilic granulocytes exhibit an intermediate stage called the band neutrophil. This is the first cell of this series to appear in the peripheral blood.
It has a nucleus shaped like a curved rod or band.
Bands normally constitute 0,5–2 % of peripheral WBCs; they subsequently mature into definitive neutrophils.
Agranulopoiesis is the process of lymphocyte and mono—cyte for mation. Lymphocytes develop from bone marrow stem cells (lymphoblasts). Cells develop in bone marrow and seed the secondary lymphoid organs (e. g., tonsils, lymph nodes, spleen). Stem cells for T cells come from bone marrow, develop in the thymus and, subsequently, seed the secondary lym phoid organs.
Promonocytes differentiate from bone marrow stem cells (monoblasts) and multiply to give rise to monocytes.
Monocytes spend only a short period of time in the marrow before being released into the bloodstream.
Monocytes are transported in the blood but are also found in connective tissues, body cavities and organs.
Outside the blood vessel wall, they are transformed into macrophages of the mononuclear phagocyte system.
Thrombopoiesis, or the formation of platelets, occurs in the red bone marrow.
Megakaryoblast is a large basophilic cell that contains a U—shaped or ovoid nucleus with prominent nucleoli. It is the last cell that undergoes mitosis.
Megakaryocytes are the largest of bone marrow cells, with diameters of 50 mm or greater. They undergo 4–5 nuclear divi sions without concomitant cytopla—smic division. As a result, the megakaryocyte is a cell with polylobulated, polyploid nucleus and abundant granules in its cytoplasm. As megakaryocyte maturation proceeds, «curtains» of platelet demarcation vesicles form in the cytoplasm. These vesicles coalesce, become tubular, and eventually form platelet demarcation membranes. These membranes fuse to give rise to the membranes of the platelets.
A single megakaryocyte can shed (i. e., produce) up to 3,500 platelets.
New words
capable – способный
spherical – сферический
indented – зазубренный
chromatin – хроматин
Arteries are classified according to their size, the appearance of their tunica media, or their major function.
Large elastic conducting arteries include the aorta and its large branches. Unstained, they appear yellow due to their high con tent of elastin.