Google. Прошлое. Настоящее. Будущее (Лау) - страница 183


34. http:/

35. Беседа Эрика Шмидта с Кеном Аулеттой. Сан-Франциско, 11.06.2008.

8. Google-культура

1. Часто цитируется.

2. Stephanie Olsen. Newsmakers: Google's Man Behind the Curtain // CNET. – 2004. – May 10.

3. Adam Lashinsky. Back2Back Champs // Fortune. – 2008. – February 4.—С. 70.

4. Письмо основателей An Owner's Manual for Google's Shareholders // – 2004.

5. Беседа Эрика Шмидта с Кеном Аулеттой. Сан-Франциско, 11.06.2008.

6. Web 2.0 Summit: Entrepreneurial Spirit Too Strong for Google Alumni: The Money Was Great… Larry and Sergey Were Focused… But a Panel of Ex-Googlers Revealed Why They Have Now Gone Off to Build Their Own Web 2.0 Fortunes // InformationWeek. – 2007. – October 20.

7. Ken Auletta. Search and Destroy // The New Yorker. – 2008. – January 14. – С 30.

8. Там же.

9. Jeremy Caplan. Google's Chief Looks Ahead // Managing Growth. – 2006.– October 2.

10. Там же.

11. Web 2.0 Summit: Entrepreneurial Spirit Too Strong for Google Alumni.

12. Интервью автора с сотрудником, пожелавшим не называть своего имени, лето 2008 года.

13. Chris Anderson. The Long Tail. – New York: Hyperion, 2006.

14. Письмо основателей, An Owner's Manual for Google's Shareholders.

15. Elizabeth Montalbano. Growing Painsfor Google // ComputerWorld. – 2008.– October 20.

16. Jessica E. Vascellaro and Scott Morrison. Google Gears Down for Tougher Times // Wall Street Journal. – 2008. – December 3.

17. Sewell Chan. Google Transit Expands to New York // www.cityroom.

18. Matt Hartley and Grant Robertson. Google@10 // The Globe and Mail. – 2008. – September 6.

19. Tricia McDermott. Defining Google // CBS News. – 2003. – January 2.

20. Adam Lashinsky. Back2Back Champs. – С 70.

21. Там же.; Verne Kopytoff. Larry Page's Connections // San Francisco Chronicle. – 2000. – December 31.

22. Adam Lashinsky. Back2Back Champs. – С 70.


24. Там же.

25. Daniel DeBolt. City of Google: In Coming Years, Internet Giant Could Triple Its Already Huge Amount of Office Space // Mountain View Voice. —2007 – July 20.

26. Mark Malseed. The Story of Sergey Brin: How the Moscow-Born Entrepreneur Cofounded Google and Changed the Way the World Searches // Moment Magazine. – 2007. – February. – С 38.

27. Vasanth Sridharan. Google's Ginormous Free Food Budget: $7,530 per Googler, $72 Million a Year // Silicon Alley Insiders. – www. alleyinsider, com. – 2008. – April 23.

28. Dan Farber. Kai Fu Lee: I Need to Follow My Heart //