Google. Прошлое. Настоящее. Будущее (Лау) - страница 184

. com. – 2005. – August 9.

29. Письмо основателей, An Owner's Manual for Google's Shareholders.

30. John Battelle. The Wizard of Ads: Google's Omid Kordestani Conjured a Formula that Took Its Sales to $3 Billion // Time. – 2005. – October.

31. Wendy McLellan. Google Targeting Talent with Innovative, Creative Qualities // Canwest News Service. – 2008. – July 28.

32. Там же.

33. Google Labs Aptitude Test // Linux Journal. – 2004. – September 1.

34. Письмо основателей, Initial Public Offering Registration Statement S1, 2004.

35. Quentin Hardy. Close to the Vest // Forbes. – 2007. – July 2.

36. Dan Fost. Keeping It All in the Google Family // New York Times. – 2008. – November 15.

37. Stephen E. Arnold. The Summer of Transparency // KM World. – 2008. – August 31.

38. Letter to Shareholders. Google S1 Public Offering Registration, 2004.

39. Daniel DeBolt. City of Google.

40. Google's Wall of Silence // Opinion page, Mountain Hew Voice. – 2007. – July 27.

41. Там же.

42. Там же.

43. Stephen E. Arnold. The Summer of Transparency.

9. Google взрослеет

1. Kevin Kelleher. Who's Afraid of Google? Everyone // Wired. – 2005. – November 30.

2. Google Founders Have Grown Up // Reuters. – 2008. – May 9.

3. Интервью автора. Assistant Professor Joel West, San Jose State University. – 2008. – December 1–9.

4. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story.

5. Chris Kraeuter and Rachel Rosmarin. Why Google Won't Give In // Forbes. – 2006. – January 24.

6. Там же.

7. Там же.

8. James Kirkup and Nicole Martin. You Tube Attacked by MPs Over Sex and Violence Footage // The Telegraph. – 2008. – July 5.

9. Корпоративный сайт

10. Declan McCullagh. Report Criticizes Google's Porn Filters // CNet News, – 2005. – April 10.

11. Цит. по: Matt Hartley and Grant Robertson. Google@10 // The Globe and Mail. – 2008. – September 6. Перепечатано с разрешения The Globe and Mail.

12. Abbey Klaassen. Talk about a Power Lunch // Advertising Age. – 2007. – October 15. – С 52.

13. Google Under Fire for 'Breathtaking' Hypocrisy, New Report Shows Just How Much Personal Information Is Available through Google Street View // Marketwatch. – 2008. – July 31.

14. Там же.

15. Drake Bennett. Stopping Google // Boston Globe. – 2008. – June 30.

16. Michael Dinan. Privacy Issues, Government Probe Stir Hard Feelings between AT&T, Google // TMCnet, – 2008. – August 15.

17. Julia Bonstein, Marcel Rosenbach, and Hihnar Schmundt. Data Mining You to Death //