Eisenhorn Omnibus (Абнетт) - страница 5


Blurred shapes (ii) and (iii) move beyond pict-source. Pict-source pans round, establishing sidelong view of (ii) and (iii) engaged in rapid hand-to-hand warfare with adversaries on lower steps. Adversaries are heterogeneous mix: six humans with surgical/bionic implants, two mutants, three offensive servitors note 19, (ii) fires heavy stubber note 20.

Two human adversaries pulped note 21, (iii) severs head of mutant, vaults backwards note 22 and impales human adversary. Pict-source moves down note 23.

VOICE OFF: Maneesha! To the left! To the l-

Pict-source makes partial capture as (iii) is hit repeatedly by energy fire, (iii) convulses, explodes. Pict-source hit by blood mist note 24. note 25 (ii) is yelling, moving ahead out of view, firing heavy stubber. Sudden crossfire laser effect note 26.

note 27

note 28 (i) is just ahead of pict-source, charging into wide, flat chamber lit by green chemical lamps note 29. Subject (i) positively identified as Inquisitor Hetris Lugenbrau.

LUGENBRAU: Quixos! Quixos! I put it all to the sword and the cleansing flame! Now you, monster! Now you, bastard!

VOICE note 30: / am here, Lugenbrau. Kharnagar awaits.

Lugenbrau (i) moves off-image. Pict-source pans. Image jerky. Body parts scattered on chamber floor note 31. Major detonation(s) nearby. Image shakes, pict-source falls sidelong.

note 32

note 33 Lugenbrau partly visible off frame left, engaged in combat. Afterglow-residue of force hammer blows remain burned on image for several seconds note 34.

Pict-source turns to focus on Lugenbrau. Lugenbrau engaged in hand-to-hand combat with unknown foe. Movements too fast for pict-source to capture.

Blur. Human figures note 35 move in from right frame. Heads of human figures explode. Figures topple.

note 36

note 37 Jerky shots of ground and wall. Refocus blurring. Pict-source reacquires Lugenbrau and adversary in combat note 38. Combat as before too rapid for pict-source to capture. Extensive background noise. Glowing line note 39 impales Lugenbrau. Image shakes note 40. Lugenbrau immolates note 41.

note 42

note 43 Close up of face looking into pict-source. Identity unknown [subject (iv)[. (iv) is handsome, sculptural, smiling, eyes blank.

VOICE (iv): Hello, little thing. I am Cherubael.

Light flash.

Scream note 44.

note 45


A cold coming.

Death in the dormant vaults.

Some puritanical reflections.

Hunting the recidivist Murdin Eyclone, I came to Hubris in the Dormant of 240.M41, as the Imperial sidereal calendar has it.

Dormant lasted eleven months of Hubris's twenty-nine month lunar year, and the only signs of life were the custodians with their lighted poles and heat-gowns, patrolling the precincts of the hibernation tombs.