Eisenhorn Omnibus (Абнетт) - страница 646

'No wonder Ravenor couldn't find a door. We're not seeing this in the right dimension.'

'Pardon me, but what the craphole are you talking about?' asked Lief. 1 liked him. Always honest.

'The warped ones understood location and moment in way we can't imagine. They were, after all, warped. We see this as a geometric network of mathematically precise chasms, a maze. But it's not. It's four dimensional…'

'Four?' Gustine began, uncertainly

'Oh, four, six, eight… who knows? Think of it this way, like a… a woven garment!

'A woven garment, sir?'

Yes, all those thick, intertwined threads, such a complex pattern.'

'All right…'

'Now imagine the knitting needles that made it. Just the needles. Big and hard and simple.'

'Okay…' said Medea, joining us.

'This planet is simply the knitting needles. Hard, rigid, simple. The reality of Ghiil is the garment woven from it, something we can't see, something complex and soft, interlaced round the needles.'

'I'm sorry, sir, you've lost me/ Lief Gustine said.

'Lost/ I said. 'That's damn right. These marks on the wall. They're like mini charts, explaining how the overall reality can be accessed and exited/

Ghustine nodded as if he understood. 'Right… so, going back, where the jesh did the janissaries come from?' he asked.

I slapped the hard wall.

'There. Right there/

'But it's solid rock!'

'Only to us/1 said.

As we moved on again, down the gorge, we formed a pack that covered all sides, like phalanx of spearmen from the old ages of warfare. The sounds of Ravenor's battle had become frenetic. Nayl reported grimly that he couldn't raise Skynner or any of his force any more.

We all hunted the walls for further carvings

'Here, sir! Here!' Kara sang out.

I ran over to the spiral cut she had found. 'Wait/1 ordered.

Like an eye blinking, the smooth rock opened. Suddenly it just wasn't there. A Vessorine janissary in combat carapace pushed out, weapon raised.

Nayl had him cold, felling him with a single shot. But there were more behind the first.

Medea started shooting. Two more meres had blinked out of the gorge wall on the far side of us.

There was no cover. No damn cover at all.

In a moment, we were fired on from a third angle.

I had already drawn the big Hecuter autopistol I had borrowed from the Hinterlight's arsenal. Gustine's old las was cracking away beside me and Eleena was emptying her pistol's extended clip on semi-automatic.

They'd just been poaching us up until now. This was a full scale ambush. I counted at least fifteen janissaries, as well as an ogryn with a heavy weapon. Nayl went down, hit in the thigh, but he kept blasting. A las round sparked bluntly against the heavy brace on my left leg.