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Carradine, David. The Spirit of Shaolin. Boston. MA: Charles E. Tuttle, 1991.

Cheung, William. Wing Chun Bil Jee. Burbank, CA: Unique Publi-cations, 1983.

Chow, David, and Richard Spangler. Kung Fu — History, Philosophy, Technique. Burbank, CA: Unique Publications, 1982.

Clouse, Robert. The Making of Enter the Dragon. Burbank, CA: Unique Publications, 1987.

Bruce Lee: The Biography. Burbank, CA: Unique Publica-tions, 1988.

Dennis, Felix, and Don Atyeo. Bruce Lee: King of Kung Fu. London: Wildwood House, 1974.

Hyams, Joe. Zen in the Martial Arts. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher Inc., 1979.

Inosanto, Dan, and Alan Sutton. Jeet Kune Do: The Art and Philosophy of Bruce Lee. Los Angeles: Know Now Publishing, 1980.

Palmer, Doug. "A Summer in Hong Kong." Unpublished manuscript.

Scott, David, and Tony Doubleday. Zen. Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element Books, 1992.

Periodicals and Newspapers cited:

Bruce Lee: His Life in Pictures. Burbank, CA: CFW Enterprises, 1988.

Bruce Lee: The Untold Story. Burbank, CA: Unique Publications, 1986.

Combat (Walsall, England: Martial Arts Publications) Glover, Jesse. "The Art of Bruce Lee." October 1991.

Logan, Bey. Interview with Kwan Так Hing, August 1987.

Fighting Arts (Liverpool, England: Ronin Publishing) Noble, Graham. Interview with Dan Inosanto: "Bruce Lee: The Real Story." n.d.

K.O.A. Yearbook (London: Paul Н. Crompton) Crompton, Paul. "William Cheung: The Best Fighter and No Apology." 1985.

Inside Kung Fu (Burbank, CA: CFW Enterprises) "Bruce Lee Returns in The Game of Death." September 1979.

Cater, Dave. "Jason Lee: The Part He Couldn't Refuse." December 1992.

Corcoran, John. Interview with Tom Tannenbaum. January 1980.

Interview with Joe Hyams. April 1980.

Cheung, Hawkins. "Bruce Lee Discovers Jeet Kune Do." December 1991.

"Bruce Lee's Hong Kong Years." November 1991.

"Cleaning Up Bruce's Classical Mess." February 1992.

"Wing Chun: Bruce Lee's Mother Art." January 1992.

Interview with Grace Lee: "The One Who Knew Bruce Best." September 1979.

Painter, Dr. John P. "Will the Real Yin and Yang Please Stand Up?" December 1991.

Peters, Jennifer. "Brandon Lee: Trying to Fill Some Mighty Big Shoes." November 1992.

Potest, Jerry. "Single Direct Attack: Jeet Kune Do's One Punch K.O." November 1991.

Kung Fu Monthly, Nos. 1-76,1975–1982 (London: Н. Bunch Associates, Ltd..)

"Bruce Lee's Game of Death."

"Brace Lee in Action."

"The Power of Bruce Lee."

"The Second Sensational Bruce Lee Scrapbook."

"The Secret Art of Bruce Lee."

"The Unbeatable Bruce Lee."

"Who Killed Bruce Lee?"

Kung Fu Monthly (London: Н. Bunch Associates, Ltd.) Special Issue No. 100, 1992.