Брюс Ли: сражающийся дух (Томас) - страница 199

DeMile, James W. Bruce Lee's One-Inch and Three-Inch Power Punch.

Kirkland, WA: Tao of Wing Chun Do Publications, 1975.

Deng, Ming Dao. Scholar Warrior. San Francisco; HarperCollins, 1990.

Draeger, Donn, and Robert Smith. The Fighting Arts of Asia. New York: Berkeley Medallion, 1974.

Durckheim, Karfried Graf, Hara; The Vital Centre of Man. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1962.

Fields, Rick. The Code of the Warrior, New York: Harper Perennial, 1991.

Gross, Edward. Bruce Lee: Fists of Fury. Las Vegas, NV: Pioneer Books, 1990.

Hartsell, Larry. Jeet Кипе Do, Burbank, CA: Unique Publications, 1987.

Hartsell, Larry, and Tim Tackett. Jeet Кипе Do, Volume 2. Burbank, CA: Unique Publications, 1987.

Heller, Stuart. The Dance of Becoming, Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1991.

Inosanto, Dan. Absorb What Is Useful. Los Angeles: Know Now Publishing, 1985.

Jeet Кипе Do Guidebook, Volume 1. Unique Publications, Burbank, CA: 1987.

Jeet Кипе Do Kickboxing. Los Angeles: Know Now Publishing, 1986.

Kent, Chris, and Tim Tackett. The jun Fan/Jeel Кипе Do Textbook.

Los Angeles: Know Now Publishing, 1988.

Krishnamurti, Jiddu, Freedom from the Known, New York Harper and Row, 1969.

Lee, Bruce. Chinese Gung Fu: The Philosophical Art of Self Defense.

Burbank, CA: Ohara Publications, 1963.

The Too of Jeet Кипе Do. Santa Clarita, CA: Ohara Publications, 1975.

Lee, Bruce, and Mito Uyehara. Bruce Lee's Fighting Method, Volumes 1–4, Burbank, CA: Ohara Publications, 1977.

Lee, James Yimm. Wing Chun Kung Fu. Bruce Lee, Technical Editor. Burbank, CA: Ohara Publications, 1972.

Lee, Linda. Bruce Lee: The Man Only I Knew. New York: Warner Faperbacks, 1975.

The Life and Tragic Death of Bruce Lee. London: Star Books, 1975.

Lee, Linda, and Tom Bleecker. The Bruce Lee Story. Burbank, CA: Ohara Publications, 1989.

Lewis, Peter. Martial Arts. Leicester, England: Magna Books, 1987, Meyers, Richard, Amy Harlib, Bill Palmer, and Karen Palmer. Martial Arts Movies. Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press, 1985.

Millman, Dan. The Warrior Athlete. Wallpole, NH: Sfallpoint, 1979.

Mintz, Marilyn D. The Martial Arts Movie. Boston, MA: Charles E. Turtle, 1983.

Needham, Joseph. Science and Civilization in China. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1954.

Ralston, Peter. Cheng Hsin: The Principles of Effortless Power. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1989.

Roote, Mike. Enter the Dragon. From the original screenplay by Michael Allin. London: Tandem Books, 1973.

Salzman, Mark. Iron and Silk, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1987.

Stewart, Lucretia. "Postcards from China's Edge." London: The Independent on Sunday, 15 December 1991.