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Thomas, Bruce. The Body of Time. London: Arkana, 1991.

Van Hise, James. Video Superheroes. Las Vegas, NV: Pioneer Books, 1991.

Vaughn, Jack, and Mike Lee. The Legendary Bruce Lee. Burbank, CA: Ohara Publications, 1986.

Wall, Bob. Who's Who in the Martial Arts. Los Angeles: R. A. Wall Investments, 1985.

Wing, R. L. The I Ching Workbook. New York: Doubleday, 1979.

The Too of Power. Wellingborough, England: Aquarian Press, 1986.

Periodicals and Newspapers

Bruce Lee: King of Kung Fu. Nos. 1–8. (Stanmore, Middlesex, England: Poster Magazine Publishing Co.)

Exciting Cinema. Kung Fu Special Issue, 1974. (Pennine Magazines)

Farewell to the Dragon. (Philadelphia: The Cinema Attic, 1974)

Fighters' Monthly. Vol. 1, N0.1. (London: Fighters' Publications)

Films and Filming. No. 229,1973. (London: Hansom Books)

Great Dragon Magazine. Nо.3.

The Hollywood Reporter. May 7,1993. Alex Ben Block article on Dragon film, (Los Angeles: Н. R. Industries Inc.)

JKD Magazine, Nos. 1-12,1976–1978 (Hong Kong: Bruce Lee Jeet-Kune-do Club)

"Bruce Lee: Combats"

"Bruce Lee: His Privacy and Anecdotes"

"Bruce Lee: His Unknowns in Martial Arts Learning"

"Bruce Lee Memorial Monthly Nо,1"

"Bruce Lee's Nunchaku in Action"

"Bruce Lee Revenges…"

"Bruce Lee: The Fighting Spirit"

"Bruce Lee: The Immortal Dragon"

"Bruce Lee: The Secret of JKD and Kung Fu"

"Reminiscence of Bruce Lee"

"Studies on Jeet Kune Do"

Karate Illustrated. June 1977 and February 1979.

КО Magazine. June 1984.

Kung Fu Supplies Co. 1978–1979. (Hong Kong)

Bruce Lee: Farewell My Friend.

Bruce Lee in The Game of Death, [sic]

Kung Fu Magazine Publishing Co. 1983–1984. (Hong Kong)

Bruce Lee: His Eternities.

Bruce Lee's Nunchaku Method.

Ochs, Phil. "Requiem for a Dragon Departed." Time Out, February 15–21,1974. (London: Time Out Publications)

Official Karate. July 1970.

Popster. Issues 23 & 26. (London: Planet News)

"Was Bruce Lee Killed By a Secret Death Touch?"

"What is Kung Fu?"

Penthouse. Albert Goldman feature on Bruce Lee, Jan/Feb 1983. (New York: Penthouse International Ltd.)

Real Kung Fu, Victor Kan interview, Vol. 2, No. 6,1977. (Hong Kong: Comray Publications)