Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 64

"My father spoke often of his trust in you. I shall count on the same."

"The days are past when I can ride in battle, as I did with Bricen. But if I may yet serve, you need only give the word."

"Thank you."

"Good feast to you, my king," greeted the next noble in line. Tris steeled himself to show nothing on his face. Duke Guarov was as suspicious as Acton was trustworthy. Tris knew that Soterius had spies in Guarov's manor house. No links to Curane had been found- yet. Still, Guarov had managed to weather Jared's reign remarkably unscathed. While he had not openly collaborated, it was widely suspected that had had found less direct ways to keep the usurper king content. Rumor had it that Guarov had profited handsomely under Jared, aligning his blacksmiths, his farmers, and his craftsmen to turn out whatever the king demanded for a premium price. Tris accepted Guarov's professions of tribute with a stony face.

He brightened, however, when Lady Eadoin was presented. The elderly lady held the arm of a striking young woman. Eadoin and her companion curtsied low. Lady Eadoin's bloodlines were royal for as long as anyone with memory could count, far older even than Bricen's line-age. Eadoin was the last of a great noble family. Childless, she was Margolan's premier supporter of the bards.

"My king and lord," Eadoin said in a voice thick with the accent of Margolan's old nobility-

"My gracious lady," Tris replied, smiling.

"It will be good for Margolan to have a young queen once more. The royal nursery needs to be full once again."

"All things in due course, my lady."

A smile played at the corners of Eadoin's lips. "Of course, my king. My seer predicts that in the year to come, the year of your marriage, there will be ample harvest and fine wine. Such predictions are good for child bearing, you know."

"Your wish is gracious."

"Our kingdom prospers most when a good king has a healthy heir-or two," Eadoin said with a twinkle in her eye.

"We'll keep that in mind." Tris barely kept the laughter out of his voice.' He glanced back at Soterius to see him staring at the young woman who gently held Eadoin's arm.

"I don't know if you recall my niece, Alyssandra," Eadoin said with a hint of

mischief in her voice. "Perhaps she and your friend have already met."

"Alle?" Soterius managed to stammer, looking completely at a loss.

Alyssandra tossed back her long blonde hair. "I told you no one was where they belonged or who they seemed, Ban Soterius!"

"I believe my niece may have met General Soterius during the insurrection," Eadoin said. "Alle helped some of the bards escape after the Usurper killed my brother's family. I thought Alle might make a good companion for the new queen. Help her navigate the court. Introduce her to the nobility." Eadoin leaned forward so that only Tris could hear her next words. "And watch her back. Alle slit two of the soldiers' throats the night she saved the minstrels."