Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 68

"And whose fault is that?" Macaria chimed in. "No one but Jared's."

Helki raised his hands in truce. "Don't shoot the messenger! I'm just reporting, not taking sides."

"Go on," Carroway said. Macaria scowled and folded her arms.

"The redhead went on to say that if we weren't careful, next we'd be getting Isencroft's Oracles and the. rest of their Chenne-worshippers. He was going on about the Sisterhood, how with a Summoner on the throne they'd have their 'shadowy claws' on Margolan. The dark man said it was almost enough to make him think about heading for Principality. But the redhead said, 'It isn't settled yet. Don't count us out.'"

Carroway frowned. "I don't like the way that sounds."

"Neither did I. But just then, they got up and left."

"What do you think it means?" Macaria asked.

Carroway hesitated. "I doubt that we've caught up with everyone who benefited when Jared was in power. Jared couldn't have done as much damage as he did without help."

"What about something as simple as jealousy?" Helki ventured. "I mean, ambitious fathers like to marry their daughters as high as

they can. Maybe a couple of them have their noses out of joint because a foreign queen means no royal in-law for them, and no clout."

"What worries me the most is the idea that 'it' isn't settled yet," Carroway said. "What do they mean by 'it'? Do they mean Tris being king, or the marriage to Kiara, or accepting Kiara as queen?"

"And do they mean that it just hasn't happened yet and sometimes life changes plans, or did they have something more hands-on in mind?" Macaria added.

"You're playing for Eadoin tonight, Carroway," said Helki. "You're clever enough to find out what she knows."

Carroway brushed back an errant lock of jet-black hair. "Don't underestimate her. No one ever gets free information out of Lady Eadoin."

Macaria gave him a wicked smile. "We expect you to come back with the story-even if you have to sacrifice your body to her advances."

It was Carroway's turn to roll his eyes. "Really, Lady Eadoin has always been the soul of propriety. You're going to start talk."

"There's been talk about you and the court ladies for years, my dear." Macaria dismissed his protest with a wave of her hand. "If even half of it is true, you've been a busy boy."

"I make it a rule never to talk about my patrons," said Carroway, "much, anyhow."

Helki laughed. "You don't have to. They talk. And while you're the most gifted musician in Margolan, those good looks of yours have gotten you some patronesses who weren't just interested in your music."