Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 70

"I've been feeding this one here," she said with a wave toward Carroway, "since he was just a slip of a boy. Can't stop now. Besides, we like your music-when you play." She gave a side-long look at Carroway. "Sorry. Just catching up on court gossip," Bian nodded, setting out the food on a small table. "You mean, like the talk about the new queen." She gathered up the serving tray and limped toward the door.

"Bian, what have yo.u heard?" asked Macaria.

The old woman turned. "Well, first off, you'd be surprised what people say around me and the girls. Like we're doorposts with no ears. 'Just the serving wenches' they think. Some of the ladies at court are most put out not to be considered to wed the king."

Bian had worked in Shekerishet's kitchen all of her life. Carroway remembered stealing down to the kitchen at night with Tris, sometimes to avail themselves of a snack, but more often to find the ingredients for a poultice to bind up a wound that Jared had inflicted. Jared's temper had been well known among the serving staff. Worse were the elder prince's lusts. No young woman who came to serve in the palace remained a virgin long when Jared was around. His taste for rape ran to brutality, which had only gotten worse when he had the crown. Bian's daughter had been one of his victims, a pretty young girl who had disappeared after being summoned to bring a flask of wine for Jared.

"What are they saying, Bian?"

Bian leaned against one of the heavy serving tables. " What they're saying about the queen is what any young girl says when a man doesn't ask for her hand. It won't be what they say, but what they don't say. They'll be sweet as pie to her face, and then set her up to embarrass herself at social occasions." Bian wiped her hand on her apron. "Such things aren't so important when it's just the village girls at the tavern. Seems like it might be a bit more important for the queen."

Carroway looked from Macaria to Helki. "Eadoin," they said. Bian chuckled.

"Aye, if you be getting Lady Eadoin on the queen's side, then you improve your chances." Bian looked at Carroway. "Couldn't help overhearing what Helki said about those two men.

If they're the ones I'm thinking of, the dark-haired one is Lord Guarov's son. I've seen him with the redhead, outside by the sheds late at night. Can't think of a good reason for a highborn to be out there, can you? The redhead works for him. I'd watch those two, if I were you."

"Thank you, Bian." Macaria said. "Can you please keep an ear out for us?".