Wife on the loose - Janet McCoy

Wife on the loose

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Heather reached out and grabbed his cock.

She had decided that drastic action was needed.

Like a good wife, she had waited patiently for her husband to indicate an interest in fucking before going to sleep. But when Tom had turned his back to her and indicated an immediate interest in going to sleep, it had been more than Heather could take.

She was horny. She wanted to get fucked.

Why should I have to play with myself when I've got this perfectly good cock right in bed with me? she asked herself, not unreasonably. It's time I started making it clear when I want sex.

"Heather, honey, I've got a hard day's work ahead of me tomorrow. I've got to get some sleep. Uuuuuhhh…"

His wife's skilled finger manipulations drew a groan from his throat, despite his reluctance. He could feel his prick starting to grow under her touch. He sighed. It looked like he was going to have to go through with it.

"But Tom, darling," she purred, her hand never slowing in its teasing cock-caresses. "I need you so bad. All evening, I've been thinking about how nice it would be to make love to you when we got to bed. I just couldn't stand, to lie awake all night, needing you."

Her fingers played over the bulging tip of his cock. They tantalized the thick ridge that separated cock-head and shaft. She could feel her cunt tingling as his prick grew steadily to iron-hard rigidity.

Her pussy wanted that stiff cock up inside it!


Tom was falling prey to the insistent stroking of his pretty wife's fingers. He felt sleep slipping away as his swollen cock-shaft became first priority. He was going to have to get her rocks off before he got any sleep tonight!

"Oh, Tom. I love your cock honey!"

With a low moan, Heather dipped her head down under the sheet. She found her husband's throbbing cock and closed her lips over the bulbous tip.

"Aiieee, Jee-zuz Christ, woman!"

Tom gritted his teeth and ground his ass down into the mattress. He never could resist the honey-soft feel of his wife's mouth on his prick. Not even when he was as tired as he was tonight!

Her lips worked like tiny feathers over his whole stiff cock-shaft. They teased his pulsing tool until it had grown as hard as an iron pipe. The pressure was enormous. The pleasure was even greater! He reached down and tangled his fingers in her lang, thick red hair. He guided her head up and down over his cock, relishing every tongue-caress.

"Shit, woman! Yeah, that's the way! Suck my cock, baby!"

Every time his wife gave him a head-job, Tom realized what a lucky man he was. Heather was an incredibly sensual woman. And she knew how to enjoy her sensuality.