Английский язык с Робин Гудом (Автор) - страница 40

)», said Little John. «I know he has a lot of gold (я знаю, что у него много золота), so he will gladly pay for his dinner (поэтому он с радостью заплатит за свой обед). A lot of poor people will have good dinners that the sheriff's gold will buy (многие бедняки получат хороший обед, который купит им золото шерифа).»

Little John counted out three hundred pieces of gold from the sheriff's bag (Малыш Джон отсчитал триста золотых монет из сумки шерифа).

welcome ['welkqm], poor [puq], count out ['kaunt'aut]

«He is welcome», said Little John. «I know he has a lot of gold, so he will gladly pay for his dinner. A lot of poor people will have good dinners that the sheriff's gold will buy.»

Little John counted out three hundred pieces of gold from the sheriff's bag.

But the sheriff didn't want to stay to have dinner (но шериф не захотел остаться на обед: «чтобы пообедать»).

So Robin Hood led the sheriff through the greenwood to the road (поэтому Робин Гуд вывел шерифа через лес к дороге).

«Goodbye, kind sheriff (до свидания, любезный шериф),» said Robin. And he laughed as the sheriff rode away (и он расхохотался, когда шериф ускакал).

didn't [dIdnt], stay [steI], good-bye [gud'baI], kind [kaInd]

But the sheriff didn't want to stay to have dinner.

So Robin Hood led the sheriff through the greenwood to the road.

«Goodbye, kind sheriff,» said Robin. And he laughed as the sheriff rode away.

Chapter 9


(Алан Дейл: «Алан из долины»; dale — дол, долина)

Robin Hood and Maid Marian were standing under a tree in the greenwood (Робин Гуд и девица Мэриан стояли под деревом в зеленом лесу) when a young man came along the forest road (когда по лесной дороге шел один молодой человек). The young man was good to see, in his new red clothes (на молодого человека в новом красном костюме было приятно смотреть; good — хороший; приятный, милый). His face was happy, and he was singing merrily (/выражение/ его лица было счастливым, и он весело напевал).

under ['Andq], new [nju:], singing ['sININ], merrily ['merIlI]

Robin Hood and Maid Marian were standing under a tree in the greenwood when a young man came along the forest road. The young man was good to see, in his new red clothes. His face was happy, and he was singing merrily.

Next morning, Robin and Marian saw the same young man (на следующее утро Робин и Мэриан увидели того же самого молодого человека). He had thrown away his red clothes (он сбросил = снял свой красный костюм; to throw — бросать), he wasn't singing, and his face was very sad (он больше не пел, и лицо его было очень печальным).