Английский язык с Робин Гудом (Автор) - страница 41

Little John and Much the miller's son came out from among the trees and stood in front of the young man (Малыш Джон и Мук, сын мельника, вышли из-за деревьев и предстали перед молодым человеком).

man [mxn], sad [sxd], among [q'mAN], front [frAnt]

Next morning, Robin and Marian saw the same young man. He had thrown away his red clothes, he wasn't singing, and his face was very sad.

Little John and Much the miller's son came out from among the trees and stood in front of the young man.

Little John said, «We don't want to hurt you (мы не хотим причинить тебе вреда). Just come and speak to our leader, under that greenwood tree (просто иди и поговори с нашим предводителем под тем дубом).»

The young man came and stood unhappily in front of Robin Hood (молодой человек пошел и предстал с несчастным видом перед Робином Гудом; happy — счастливый, довольный; unhappy — несчастливый, несчастный; unhappily — несчастливо).

Robin spoke kindly to him (Робин обратился к нему по-доброму; kindly — доброжелательно, любезно; сердечно, добродушно).

«Do you have any money that you don't need (есть ли у тебя какие-нибудь деньги, которые тебе не нужны)? We know a lot of people that need it (я знаю множество людей, которые нуждаются в них).»

come [kAm], our ['auq], unhappily [An'hxpIlI], kindly ['kaIndlI]

Little John said, «We don't want to hurt you. Just come and speak to our leader, under that greenwood tree.»

The young man came and stood unhappily in front of Robin Hood.

Robin spoke kindly to him. «Do you have any money that you don't need? We know a lot of people that need it.»

Very sadly the young man said (очень печально молодой человек сказал), «I have only ten pence and a gold ring (у меня есть только десять пенсов и золотое кольцо). The ring was for a beautiful young woman (кольцо предназначалось прекрасной молодой женщине). I was going to marry her today (я собирался жениться на ней сегодня), but they have taken her away from me (но ее забрали у меня; to take away — убирать, уносить; отбирать, отнимать). They are going to marry her to a rich old knight (ее собираются выдать за богатого старого рыцаря; to marry — жениться или выходить замуж; женить или выдавать замуж). I don't want to live without her (я не хочу жить без нее). Take my ten pence, and let me die (возьмите мои десять пенсов и дайте мне умереть).»

pence [pens], ring [rIN], marry ['mxrI], taken ['teIk(q)n], without [wI'Daut], die [daI]

Very sadly the young man said, «I have only ten pence and a gold ring. The ring was for a beautiful young woman. I was going to marry her today, but they have taken her away from me. They are going to marry her to a rich old knight. I don't want to live without her. Take my ten pence, and let me die.»