Robin took the forty pieces of gold and gave half to Little John (Робин взял сорок золотых монет и отдал половину Малышу Джону). Then he gave half back (после чего вернул половину; to give back — возвращать, отдавать). «Take this, Sir Abbot (возьми это, господин аббат),» he said. «You will need it (они тебе понадобятся). We'll meet again (мы встретимся снова).»
piece [pi:s], half [hQ:f], give back ['gIv'bxk], gave back ['geIv'bxk]
The king answered him: «I have only forty pieces of gold. I have been with the king in Nottingham, and that took a lot of my money. If I had a hundred pieces of gold, I would gladly give you fifty for the poor.»
Robin took the forty pieces of gold and gave half to Little John. Then he gave half back. «Take this, Sir Abbot,» he said. «You will need it. We'll meet again.»
«Thank you (благодарю тебя),» said the king. «But I bring a word from our lord the king (но я везу приказ нашего повелителя короля; word — слово; приказ, приказание, распоряжение). Look, this is his ring (взгляни, вот его кольцо). He asks you to come to Nottingham to have dinner with him (он приглашает тебя приехать в Ноттингем и отобедать с ним; to ask — спрашивать; приглашать).»
When Robin saw the king's ring (когда Робин увидел кольцо короля), he went down on his knee (он опустился на одно колено). «I love no man in the world (ни одного человека в мире я не люблю),» he said, «so well as I love my king (так сильно, как я люблю своего короля; well — хорошо; сильно, очень, в высокой степени). Thank you, Sir Abbot, for your words (благодарю тебя, господин аббат, за твои слова), and today you must have dinner with me under my greenwood tree (и сегодня ты должен отобедать со мной под моим зеленым дубом).»
And he led the king there (и он отвел короля туда).
when [wen], went [went], world [wq:ld], love [lAv], today [tq'deI]
«Thank you,» said the king. «But I bring a word from our lord the king. Look, this is his ring. He asks you to come to Nottingham to have dinner with him.»
When Robin saw the king's ring, he went down on his knee. «I love no man in the world,» he said, «so well as I love my king. Thank you, Sir Abbot, for your words, and today you must have dinner with me under my greenwood tree.» And he led the king there.
The king saw men working to make food ready (король увидел, как работают люди, чтобы приготовить пищу).
«Are these all your men (кто все эти люди)?» he asked.
Robin sounded his horn three times (Робин протрубил в свой рог три раза), and a hundred young men in Lincoln green came running (и сотня молодых людей в ярко-зеленых костюмах выбежала /из леса/), and stood in lines in front of Robin (и встала рядами перед Робином;