Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем. Снега Килиманджаро (Хемингуэй) - страница 52

не было). It must have gone around another street (она, должно быть, свернула на другую улицу). It went in pairs, on bicycles (разъезжает, по двое, на велосипедах), and moved absolutely silently on the pavements (и скользит: «двигается» по мостовой абсолютно неслышно).

knowledge ['nOlIG], bicycle ['baIsIkl], absolutely ["xbsxʹlu:tlı]

"Wouldn't you like some more broth?" the woman asked him now.

"No, thank you very much. It is awfully good."

"Try just a little."

"I would like a whiskey-soda."

"It's not good for you."

"No. It's bad for me. Cole Porter wrote the words and the music. This knowledge that you're going mad for me."

"You know I like you to drink."

"Oh yes. Only it's bad for me."

When she goes, he thought, I'll have all I want. Not all I want but all there is. Ayee he was tired. Too tired. He was going to sleep a little while. He lay still and death was not there. It must have gone around another street. It went in pairs, on bicycles, and moved absolutely silently on the pavements.

No, he had never written about Paris (нет, он никогда не писал о Париже). Not the Paris that he cared about (/во всяком случае/, о том Париже, который был дорог ему; to care — беспокоиться, волноваться; /about smth./ проявлять интерес, испытывать любовь, привязанность/к кому-либо, чему-либо/). But what about the rest that he had never written (ну, а остальное: «что насчет остального», о чем он так и не написал)?

What about the ranch and the silvered gray of the sage brush (ранчо и серебристая седина полыни; gray — серый /цвет/; седина), the quick, clear water in the irrigation ditches (быстрая прозрачная вода в оросительных канавах/каналах), and the heavy green of the alfalfa (и тяжелая зелень люцерны). The trail went up into the hills (тропинка уходила в горы) and the cattle in the summer were shy as deer (и коровы становились летом пугливые, как олени). The bawling and the steady noise (мычание и мерный топот: «шум») and slow moving mass raising a dust as you brought them down in the fall (и медленно двигающаяся масса поднимает пыль, когда осенью гонишь их вниз = с гор; to bring — приносить; приводить). And behind the mountains, the clear sharpness of the peak in the evening light (а за горами, в вечернем свете, ясная четкость /горного/ пика; sharp — острый; резкий, четкий) and, riding down along the trail in the moonlight, bright across the valley (едешь вниз по тропинке при свете луны, заливающей всю долину: «в свете луны, ярко /разливающемся/ по долине»). Now he remembered coming down through the timber in the dark