Распря с веком. В два голоса (Белинков, Белинкова) - страница 484

Fosty V. L’écrivin russe Arcadi Bélinkov… I I Le Soir. 1970. 19 June.

Friedberg M. «Novy kolokol» // The Russian review. 1973. Vol. 32. № 4. October.

Friedberg M. «Sdacha I gibel Sovetskogo intelligenta»: lurii Olesha / By A. Belinkov / / Slavic review. 1977. Vol. 36. Jun.

Friedman M. Notable and Quotable // The Wall Street Journal. 1976. Jan. 21.

G.M. Arkadij Victoroviи Belinkov // Dictionnaire des littératures éstrangères. Ecyclopédie Universitaires. Paris, 1974.

Gavrilovic K. Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Exile // The Washington Post. 1974. February 24.

Gladkov A. Meetings with Pasternak / Commentary by Max Hayward. N.Y., 1973.

Heller М., Nekrich A. M. Utopia in Power. N.Y.: Summit books, 1985.

Herlinf G. Protesta a più voci nell URSS. Roma, 1972(?).

Hingley R. Russian Writers and Soviet Society. N.Y.: Random House, 1970.

Kasack W. Belinkov Arkady Viktorovich // Dictionary of Russian Literature since 1917. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.

Kruczek A. Uwagi czitelnika // Kultura. 1975. № 3.

Nebolsin A. In memory of Arkadij Belinkov // Slavic and East European Journal. 1970.

Newsweek. 1968. July 15. Announcement. «Soviet writer defects».

Očadliková M. Velká pře Arkadije Viktoroviče Bělinkova «Svědenectvi». 1971.

Parry A. Russia’s Underground Press // New York Times Magazine. 1970. March 15.

Pawlikowski M. Novy kolokol // Wiadomości. 1972.

Russuia’s Other Writers, introduced by Michael Scammell / Foreword by Max Hayward. Praeger publishers, 1970.

Reining Ed. Allusion to A. Belinkov. Tulimuld. 1970.

Riccio Di C. Assenti ingiustificati // II Messagero. 1972. 25 sept.

Ripellino A. M. I topi del regime // L’Espresso. 1967. № 25. 18 giugno.

Ripellino A. M. Tagliate L'autostrada al nemico // L’Espresso. 1970. Jan. 18.

Russia’s O.W. Selected by Michael Scammel / Foreword by Max Hayward. N.Y.; Washington: Praeger Publishers, 1970.

Sakharov Dialogue with Malyrov // The New York Times. 1973. Aug 29.

Salajczyk J. A. Belinkov. Yurij Tynanov // Slavia Orientalis. 1962. № 3.

Scammell M. Solzhenitsyn. NewYork; London, 1984.

Shragin B. Defying Doublethink. The New Leader, 1978.

Solzhenitsyn A. Critical Esseys and Documentary Materials / Ed. by John B. Dunlop. Belmont; Massachusetts: Nordland Publishing Co, 1972.

Sosin G. Sparks of Liberty. Pennsylvania, 1999.

Struve G. Arkadij Belinkov // Wiadomosci. 1970. 9 Aug.

Struve G. Russian Literature under Lenin and Stalin. 1971.

The Nabokov — Wilson Letter. (Foreword by Simon Karlinsky) / Editor Simon Karlinsky. HarperàRow, 1979.

The New York Times. 1968. 15 Aug. «Moscow denounces a recent defector».