Искусство обучать. Как сделать любое обучение нескучным и эффективным (Дирксен) - страница 129

Глава 8

1. Bandura, Albert. 1977. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review 84: 191–215.

2. Dance, Gabriel, Tom Jackson, and Aron Pilhofer. 2009. Gauging Your Distraction. New York Times. www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/07/19/technology/20090719-driving-game.html.

3. Davis, F. D. 1989. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly 13(3): 319–340. Dweck, Carol S. 2007. The Perils and Promises of Praise. Educational Leadership 65 (2): 34–39.

4. Fogg, B. J. 2011, 2010. Behavior Model (www.behaviormodel.org) and Behavior Grid (www.behaviorgrid.org).

5. Mueller, Claudia M. and Carol S. Dweck. 1998. Intelligence praise can undermine motivation and performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 75: 33–52.

6. PSA Texting and Driving, U.K. 2009. www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I54mlK0kVw. Described at www.gwent.police.uk/leadnews.php?a=2172.

7. Rogers, Everett M. 1962. Diffusion of Innovations. Glencoe: Free Press. Most recently revised 2003 (5th edition).

Глава 9

1. Ferguson, David. 2009. Job aids: training wheels and guard rails. Dave’s Whiteboard March 31, 2009. http://www.daveswhiteboard.com/archives/1939.

2. Gollwitzer, P. M. 2006. Successful goal pursuit. In Psychological science around the world 1: 143–159, Q. Jing, H. Zhang, and K. Zhang, Eds. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.

3. Gollwitzer, P. M., K. Fujita, and G. Oettingen. 2004. Planning and the implementation of goals. In Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications, R. F. Baumeister and K. D. Vohs, Eds. New York: Guilford Press.

4. Jeffery, Robert W. and Jennifer Utter. 2003. The Changing Environment and Population Obesity in the United States. Obesity Research 11, DOI: 10.1038/ oby.2003.221.

5. Johnson, H. D., D. Sholoscky, K. L. Gabello, R. V. Ragni, and N. M. Ogonosky. 2003. Gender differences in handwashing behavior associated with visual behavior prompts. Perceptual and Motor Skills 97: 805–810.

6. Norman, Donald. 1990. The Design of Everyday Things. New York: Doubleday Business. Originally published as The Psychology of Everyday Things. 1988. New York: Basic Books.