Storm, H.: Seven Arrows (New York: Harper & Row, 1972).
Sundberg, N.: Assessment of Persons (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1977).
Waldo, Dwight, ed.: Ideas and Issues in Public Administration (New York: McGraw Hill, 1963).
Woodward, Joan: Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (New York: Oxford University Press, 1965).
(Их можно получить через Институт Адизеса,
Adizes, I. Industrial DemocracyYugoslav Style. New York: Free Press, 1971.
Adizes, I., and Mann-Borgese, Elisabeth, eds. Self-Management: New Dimensions to Democracy, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC/CLIO, 1975.
Adizes, I. How to Solve the Mismanagement Crisis. 2nd printing. Santa Barbara: Adizes Institute Publications, 1980. (First printing, New York: Dow Jones Irwin, 1979).
Adizes, I. Corporate Lifecycles: How and Why Corporations Grow and Die and What to Do about It. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988.
Adizes, I. Mastering Change: The Power of Mutual Trust and Respect in Personal Life, Family Business and Society. Santa Barbara: Adizes Institute Publications, 1993.
Adizes, I. The Pursuit of Prime. First printing, Santa Monica, CA: Knowledge Exchange, 1996.
Adizes, I. Managing the Performing Arts Organization. Santa Barbara: Adizes Institute Publications, 1999.
Adizes, I. Managing Corporate Lifecycles: An Updated and Expanded Look at the Corporate Lifecycles. First printing, Paramus, NJ: Prentice Hall Press, 1999.
Adizes, I. Management Mismanagement Styles: How to Identify a Style and What to Do about It. Adizes Institute Publications, Santa Barbara, CA, 2004.
Adizes, I. Leading the Leaders: How to Enrich Your Style of Management and Handle People Whose Style is Different from Yours. Adizes Institute Publications, Santa Barbara, CA, 2004.
Adizes, I. “The Role of Management in Democratic (Communal) Organizational Structures.” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy. Quarterly review of CIRIEC. Brussels: CIRIEC, No. 424 (1971): 399-420.
Adizes, I. “Administering for the Arts: Introduction and Overview.” California Management Review 15, 2 (1972): 99-103.
Adizes, I. “Boards of Directors in the Performing Arts: A Managerial Analysis.” California Management Review 15, 2 (1972): 109-117.
Adizes, I. “Economic Changes in Yugoslavia.” East Europe 21, 10 (1972): 8-16.
Adizes, I. “Management in Der Demokratischen Organisationen.” Annalen der Gemein-wirtschaft 41 (Januar—Marz, 1972).
Adizes, I. “Samoupravljanje Kao Drustveni Cilj i Organizacijski Proces — [SelfManagement as a Social Goal and an Organizational Process.”] Socijalizam 11, 12 (1972): 1324-1333.