Черная курица, или Подземные жители / The Black Hen (Погорельский) - страница 15

"You know your lesson now," said the headmaster. "But why didn't you want to say it yesterday?"

"I didn't know it yesterday," said Alyosha.

"Didn't you?" said the headmaster. "Yesterday evening you knew two pages. You told me that. And today you know all twenty pages without any mistakes! When did you learn them?"

Alyosha said in low voice:

"I learned them in the morning."

But then the children shouted:

"No! He didn't look at the book this morning."

Alyosha said nothing.

"Answer me!" the headmaster said. "When did you learn the lesson?"

Alyosha didn't know what to say.

Helpful Words & Notes

He tried hard — Он очень старался.

in tears — в слезах.


1 Answer the questions.

1) Did Alyosha start learning his lesson at once?

2) What did Alyosha have for dinner?

3) How many pages did Alyosha know in the evening?

4) What did Blacky give Alyosha?

5) What did Alyosha promise to Blacky?

6) What happened at the next History lesson?

2 Put the sentences in the right order.

1) It was time to go to bed.

2) Alyosha said his lesson without any mistakes.

3) Blacky asked Alyosha to become a nice, kind boy again.

4) Alyosha started looking for the hemp seed.

5) The headmaster didn't like Alyosha's proud smile.

6) Alyosha tried hard to learn the text by heart.

7) The headmaster brought Alyosha a glass of water and a piece of bread.

3 Match the opposites.

4 Choose right: do, did, didn't.

1) No, he ____ look at the book this morning.

2) When ____ you learn all the pages?

3) Why ____ you want to say it yesterday?

4) Alyosha, ____ you know the lesson now?

5 Say why:

1) Alyosha could learn only two pages.

2) The other boys didn't want to be Alyosha's friend any longer.

3) Blacky talked to Alyosha for a long time.

6 Is it easy for you learn something by heart? What do you usually learn by heart?

Chapter 8

The headmaster was very angry. He said:

"You are a clever boy, Alyosha. But yesterday you were very naughty. And you are naughty today. I am going to punish you for that."

It was a terrible thing for Alyosha.

"Boys!" said the headmaster to the other children. "Don't speak to Alyosha." The headmaster took the birch. Alyosha ran up to the headmaster in tears:

"Please, don't do it. I promise to become better!"

"Why didn't you think about it before?" asked the headmaster.

The other boys asked the headmaster to forgive Alyosha.

"Very well," said the headmaster, "I forgive you. But first you must say when you learned the lesson."

Alyosha was very unhappy. He forgot his promise to the King and his minister. He told the headmaster about the black hen. He told him about the knights and the underground people.