Черная курица, или Подземные жители / The Black Hen (Погорельский) - страница 17

Helpful Words & Notes

birch — розга; березовый прут, который использовался для телесного наказания.

chains — цепи.


1 Say who:

1) took the birch.

2) told the headmaster about the black hen.

3) went to bed with the other children.

4) had gold chains on his hands.

5) found Alyosha on the floor in the morning.

6) became nice to Alyosha again.

2 Correct the statements.

1) The other boys asked the headmaster to punish Alyosha.

2) Alyosha didn't say a word about the little people.

3) The hemp seed was still in Alyosha's pocket.

4) Alyosha was happy to see Blacky.

5) Alyosha stayed in bed for two days.

6) Alyosha could still learn twenty pages by heart.

3 Fill in the verbs.

1) You are very naughty today. I am going to ____ you for that.

2) Please don't punish me. I ____ to become better.

3) I must ____ these chains now.

4) Good-bye, Blacky! And please ____ me.

5) Your tears can't ____ me, Alyosha.

4 Fill in the prepositions.

on, for, because of, about

1) Why didn't you think ____ it before?

2) What is it ____ your hands?

3) Blacky is going away ____ me.

4) Do one thing ____ me: try to be a good boy.

5 Answer the questions and speak about the end of the story.

1) Why did the headmaster punish Alyosha?

2) Why did Alyosha tell the headmaster about the little people?

3) What happened to Blacky and the underground people?

4) What happened to Alyosha?

Did you like the story? What can you say about Alyosha? Do you like him? Was he always brave?



alone [əˈləʊn] а один, оставшийся в одиночестве

along [ə’lɔ:ŋ] prep вдоль, по

already [ɔːlˈredɪ] adv уже

always [ˈɔːlweɪz] adv всегда

angrily [æŋgrɪlɪ] adv сердито

angry ['aengn] а сердитый, злой

animal [ˈænɪməl] n животное

another [ə’nʌðər] а еще один, другой такой же

around [əˈraʊnd] prep вокруг

ask [ɑːsk] v спрашивать ask a question задавать вопрос ask for просить чего-л.

awful [’ɔ:fəl] а ужасный


beat [biːt] v бить, побеждать; биться

became [bɪˈkeɪm] форма прошедшего времени от become

because [bɪˈkɒz] cj потому что

become [become] v становиться

before [bɪˈfɔː] prep перед, до; раньше

behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] prep за, позади

best [best] а лучший

better [ˈbetə] а лучше

bottle [ˈbɒtl] n бутылка

bought [bɔːt] форма прошедшего времени от buy

brave [breɪv] а смелый

bravely [ˈbreɪvlɪ] adv смело

bread [bred] n хлеб

bridge [bridge] n мост

bright [braɪt] а яркий

bring [brɪŋ] v приносить

brought [brɔːt] форма прошедшего времени от bring

busy [ˈbɪzɪ] а занятой


cage [keɪdʒ] n клетка

call [kɔːl] v звать; называть

came [keɪm] форма прошедшего времени от come

candle [ˈkændl] n свеча

castle ['ka: sl] n замок