Стеклянная клетка. Автоматизация и мы (Карр) - страница 151

Wald. Pilots Chatted in Moments before Buffalo Crash // New York Times, 2009. May 12.

2. Associated Press Inquiry in New York Air Crash Points to Crew Error // Los Angeles Times, 2009. May 13.

3. Рассказ о катастрофе самолета Air France взят, в основном из: BEA. Final Report: On the Accident on 1st June 2009 to the Airbus A330–203, Registered F-GZCP, Operated by Air France, Flight AF447. Rio de Janeiro to Paris (официальный английский перевод). 2012. July 27. UPL: http://www.bea.aero /docspa/2009/f-cp090601.en/pdf/f-cp090601.en.pdf. См. также: Jeff Wise. What Really Happened Aboard Air France 447 // Popular Mechanics. 2011. December 6. UPL: http://www. popularmechanics.com/technology/aviation/crashes/what-really-hap– pened-aboard-air-france-447–6611877.

4. BEA, Final Report. Р. 199.

5. William Scheck. Lawrence Sperry: Genius on Autopilot // Aviation History, 2004. November; Dave Higdon. Used Correctly, Autopilots Offer Second-Pilot Safety Benefits. // Avionics News. 2010. May. George the Autopilot // Historic Wings, 2012. August 30. UPL: http://www.fly.historicwings.com/2012/08/george-the-autopilot/.

6. Now – The Automatic Pilot // Popular Science Monthly, 1930. February.

7. Post’s Automatic Pilot // New York Times. 1933. July 24.

8. James M. Gillespie. We Flew the Atlantic ‘No Hands // Popular Science, 1947. December.

9. Anonymous. Automatic Control // Flight, 1947. October 9.

10. Более подробно о работе NASA см.: Lane E. Wallace. Airborne Trailblazer: Two Decades with NASA Langley’s 737 Flying Laboratory. Washington, D.C.: NASA History Office, 1994.

11. William Langewiesche. Fly by Wire: The Geese, the Glide, the “Miracle” on The Hudson. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2009. Р. 103.

12. Antoine de Saint-Exupйry. Wind, Sand and Stars. N. Y.: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1939. Р. 20.

13. Don Harris. Human Performance on the Flight Deck // Surrey, U.K.: Ashgate, 2011. Р. 221.

14. How Does Automation Affect Airline Safety? // Flight Safety Foundation, 2012. July 3. UPL: http://www. flightsafety.org/node/4249.

15. Hemant Bhana. Trust but Verify // AeroSafety World, 2010. June.

16. Цитируется по книге: Nick A. Komons. Bonfires to Beacons: Federal Civil Aviation Policy under the Air Commerce Act 1926–1938. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Department of Transportation, 1978. Р. 24.

17. Scott Mayerowitz and Joshua Freed. Air Travel Safer than Ever with Death Rate at Record Low // Denverpost.com, 2012. January 1. UPL: http://www. denverpost.com/nationworld/ci_19653967. (В статистику не включены жертвы террористических актов.)