18. Интервью Раджа Парасурамана автору от 18 декабря 2011 года.
19. Jan Noyes. Automation and Decision Making. В книге: Malcolm James Cook. Decision Making in Complex Environments. Aldershot, U.K. Ashgate, 2007. Р. 73.
20. Earl L. Wiener. Human Factors of Advanced Technology (“Glass Cockpit”) Transport Aircraft // Moffett Field, Calif.: NASA Ames Research Center, 1989. June.
21. См., например: Earl L. Wiener and Renwick E. Curry. Flight Deck Automation: Promises and Problems // NASA Ames Research Center, 1980. June; Earl L. Wiener. Beyond the Sterile Cockpit // Human Factors 27, 1985. № 1. Р. 75–90; Donald Eldredge et al., Review and Discussion of Flight Management System Incidents Reported to the Aviation Safety Reporting System. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1992. February; Matt Ebbatson. Practice Makes Imperfect: Common Factors in Recent Manual Approach Incidents // Human Factors and Aerospace Safety 6, 2006. № 3. Р. 275–278.
22. Andy Pasztor. Pilot Reliance on Automation Erodes Skills // Wall Street Journal, 2010. November 5.
23. Operational Use of Flight Path Management Systems: Final Report of the Performance-Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee/Commercial Aviation Safety Team Flight Deck Automation Working Group. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2013. September 5. UPL: http://www. faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/afs/afs400/parc/parc_
24. Matthew Ebbatson. The Loss of Manual Flying Skills in Pilots of Highly Automated Airliners // PhD thesis. Cranfield University School of Engineering, 2009. См. также: M. Ebbatson et al., The Relationship between Manual Handling Performance and Recent Flying Experience in Air Transport Pilots.// Ergonomics 53, 2010. № 2. Р. 268–277.
25. Цитируется по книге: David A. Mindell. Between Human and Machine: Feedback, Control, and Computing before Cybernetics. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. Р. 77.
26. S. Bennett A. History of Control Engineering, 1800–1930. Stevenage, U.K.: Peter Peregrinus, 1979. Р. 141.
27. Tom Wolfe. The Right Stuff. N. Y.: Picador, 1979. Р. 152–154.
28. Ebbatson. Loss of Manual Flying Skills.
29. Response Charts for ‘EASA CockpitAutomation Survey // European Aviation Safety Agency. 2012. August 3. UPL: http://www. easa.europa.eu/safety-andresearch/docs/EASA%2 °Cockpit%20Automation%20Survey%202012 %20-%20Results.pdf.
30. Joan Lowy. Automation in the Air Dulls Pilot Skill // Seattle Times, 2011. August 30.