Стеклянная клетка. Автоматизация и мы (Карр) - страница 164

3. Andy Kessler. Professors Are About to Get an Online Education // Wall Street Journal. 2013. June 3.

4. Vinod Khosla. Do We Need Doctors or Algorithms? // TechCrunch, 2012. January 10. UPL: http://www.techcrunch.com/2012/01/10/doctors-or-algorithms.

5. Gerald Traufetter. The Computer vs. the Captain: Will Increasing Automation Make Jets Less Safe? // Spiegel Online, 2009. July 31. UPL: http://www. Spiegel de/international/world/the-computer-vs-the-captain-will-increasing-automation-make-jets-less-safe-a-639298.html.

6. См.: Adam Fisher. Inside Google’s Quest to Popularize Self-Driving Cars // Popular Science, 2013. October.

7. Tosha B. Weeterneck et al. Factors Contributing to an Increase in Duplicate Medication Order Errors after CPOE Implementation //Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18, 2011. Р. 774–782.

8. Sergey V. Buldyrev et al. Catastrophic Cascade of Failures in Interdependent Networks.// Nature, 464. 2010. April 15. Р. 1025–1028. См. также: Alessandro Vespignani. The Fragility of Interdependency // Nature 464, 2010. April 15. Р. 984–985.

9. Nancy G. Leveson. Engineering a Safer World: Systems Thinking Applied to Safety. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2011. 8–9.

10. Lisanne Bainbridge. Ironies of Automation // Automatica 19, 1983. № 6. Р. 775–779.

11. Обзор исследований, посвященных бдительности, включая работы, выполненные во время Второй мировой войны, см.: D. R. Davies and R. Parasuraman // The Psychology of Vigilance. London: Academic Press, 1982.

12. Bainbridge. Ironies of Automation.

13. См. Magdalen Galley. Ergonomics – Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going. UPL: http://www. undated speech, taylor.it/meg/papers/50 %20Years%20 of%20Ergonomics.pdf;

Nicolas Marmaras et al. Ergonomic Design in Ancient Greece // Applied Ergonomics 30, 1999. № 4. Р. 361–368.

14. David Meister. The History of Human Factors and Ergonomics. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999. Р. 209, 359.

15. Leo Marx. Does Improved Technology Mean Progress? // Technology Review. 1987. January.

16. Donald A. Norman. Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine. N. Y.: Perseus, 1993. xi.

17. Norbert Wiener. I Am a Mathematician. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1956. Р. 305.

18. Nadine Sarter et al. Automation Surprises. / Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics / Ed. Gavriel Salvendy. 2nd ed. N. Y.: Wiley, 1997.

19. Там же.

20. John D. Lee. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Automation Design / Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics / Ed. Gavriel Salvendy. 3rd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2006. Р. 1571.